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int GetRoutedWinMsgParams (int panelHandle, InterceptedWindowsMsg *messageParameters);


Call this function to obtain the parameters specific to the most recent Windows message that was routed to a panel callback.

When the panel receives the Windows message you specify, it calls the panel callback with an event value of EVENT_WINDOWS_MSG. Call this function to receive the following data structure:

typedef struct

unsigned int uMsg; // Windows message code
intptr_t wParam;
intptr_t lParam;
long result;
} InterceptedWindowsMsg;

Example Code

int PanelCallback(int panel, int event, void *callbackData, int eventData1, int eventData2)
switch (event)


InterceptedWindowsMsg msg;

GetRoutedWinMsgParams (panel, &msg);

// Check for application activate via a Windows message
// because the top level panel does not get the CVI
// EVENT_GOT_FOCUS event if one of its child panels
// has the focus when it is activated
if ((msg.uMsg == WM_ACTIVATEAPP) && msg.wParam)

// application was activated, put your code here



return 0;


For backwards compatibility in 32-bit programs, LabWindows/CVI also passes a pointer to the message parameters as the eventData1 parameter of the panel callback function. In 64-bit programs, however, eventData1 is 0, and you must use this function to obtain the message parameters.

(Linux) This function is not supported.


Name Type Description
panelHandle int The specifier for a particular top–level panel that is currently in memory.

This handle will have been returned by the LoadPanel, NewPanel, or DuplicatePanel function.
Name Type Description
messageParameters InterceptedWindowsMsg Pass the address of an InterceptedWindowsMsg structure:

typedef struct

unsigned int uMsg; // Windows message code
intptr_t wParam;
intptr_t lParam;
long result;
} InterceptedWindowsMsg;

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int The status code that the function returns.

0 indicates success.

A negative value indicates an error.

This function may return a Programmer's Toolbox or UI Library error code. Call GetGeneralErrorString to obtain a text description of the error.

Additional Information

Library: Programmer's Toolbox

Include file: toolbox\toolbox.h

LabWindows/CVI compatibility: LabWindows/CVI 2009 and later

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