Generating RTF Documentation for VIs, Templates, and Objects

You can import rich text format (RTF) files into most word processing applications, and you can use RTF files to create compiled help files.

Complete the following steps to generate RTF documentation for a VI, template, or object.

  1. Open any VI, control, global variable, or template file and select File»Print to display the Print dialog box.
  2. In the Select VI(s) page of the Print dialog box, select whether you want to generate RTF documentation for the current VI or for multiple VIs and click the Next button. If you select Multiple VIs, select the files for which you want to generate RTF documentation on the Select VIs page and click the Next button. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
  3. On the Print Contents page, select the components you want to include in the documentation and click the Next button. If you select VI documentation, select the components you want to include in the documentation on the VI Documentation page and click the Next button. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
  4. On the Destination page, select Rich Text Format (RTF) file and click the Next button.
  5. On the RTF page, place a checkmark in the Help compiler source checkbox if you want to use the RTF documentation in a compiled help file. If you place a checkmark in this checkbox, LabVIEW saves images as external BMP files instead of embedding them in the RTF file.
  6. Select a Color depth for the images.
  7. Click the Save button to display a file dialog box. The dialog box prompts you to name the file(s) and select the directory where you want to save the file(s). The default name of any RTF documentation is the name of the VI with a .rtf extension.

You also can use the Print:VI To RTF method to generate VI documentation in RTF format programmatically.