LabVIEW Robotics Module

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Product DocumentationLabVIEW Robotics Module...Robotics ModuleCreating Robotics ApplicationsCreating a Project Using the Robotics Project Wizard (Robotics Module)Current page
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Creating a Project Using the Robotics Project Wizard (Robotics Module)

Creating a Project Using the Robotics Project Wizard (Robotics Module)

Complete the following steps to create a project using the Robotics Project Wizard.

  1. Click the Create Project button on the Getting Started window to launch the Create Project dialog box. Choose Robotics from the Templates tree, select the Robotics Project template on the left of the Create Project dialog box, and click Finish to launch the Robotics Project Wizard. You also can launch this wizard from the Robotics Hardware Setup Wizard or select File»New to launch the New dialog box and then select Project»Project from Wizard»Robotics Project.

    The Robotics Project Wizard displays the Select project type page.
  2. Select the type of project that corresponds to your system from the Select project type list.
  3. Click the Next button to accept the settings and continue.
  4. The Robotics Project Wizard offers different pages according to the type of system you select. Complete the steps for the system type you selected.
    • Robotics Starter Kit x—The Robotics Project Wizard displays the Enter the IP address of the controller page.
      1. Enter the IP address of the RT target from the Starter Kit in the Controller IP address text box.
      2. Click the Next button to accept the settings and continue.
    • CompactRIO Reconfigurable Embedded System, Single-Board RIO Embedded System—The Robotics Project Wizard displays the System Setup page.
      1. If the device you want to target is powered on and connected to the network, select the Discover existing system option. Otherwise, select Create new system if the hardware is not connected or you want to specify hardware components by type.
      2. (Optional) If the device is connected to a remote network, select Device is connected to a remote subnet and specify the IP address in the IP address text box.
      3. (Optional) If you selected Create new system, follow the directions that appear on the screen to define the remote controller and any FPGA targets and I/O modules with which you want the application to run.
      4. Click the Next button to accept the settings and continue.
    • Windows Platform—The Windows platform architecture does not require extra configuration.
    • Robotics Environment Simulator—Launches the Robotics Environment Simulator Wizard.

    The Robotics Project Wizard displays the Select sensor and actuator drivers page.
  5. Select the sensors you want to include in the project. The Robotics Project Wizard displays devices for which you have drivers installed.
    Tip  Click the Find More Online button to launch the NI Instrument Driver Finder, where you can download device drivers. After you download and install device drivers, click the Refresh button to update the list of available drivers.
  6. Click the Next button to accept the settings and continue.

    The Robotics Project Wizard displays the Select architecture page.
  7. Select the architecture template you want the RT target to run.
  8. Click the Next button to accept the settings and continue.

    The Robotics Project Wizard displays the Enter project name and folder page.
  9. Enter a name for the project and the location at which you want to save the .lvproj file.
  10. Click the Finish button to exit the Robotics Project Wizard and generate the new project, VIs, and support files for the robotics application. The Project Explorer window displays the new project that you create.
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