Delete from Array

Deletes a specified element or subarray of an array.

This node returns both the edited array and the deleted element or subarray.





The array from which you want to delete elements, rows, columns, pages, and so on. This input is an n-dimension array of any type.



Number of elements, rows, columns, or pages to delete.

Default value: 1



The location of the element or subarray to delete from the array.

If index is unwired, this node deletes from the end of the array.

Default value: The index of the last element in the array.

Behavior of index inputs for Multidimensional Arrays

When you wire an array to this node, the node resizes automatically to display index inputs for each dimension in the array. This node reduces the array in one dimension only, therefore, you can wire only one index input. For example, to delete a row in a 2D array, wire only the row index. To delete a column, wire only the column index.

Relationship between index Inputs and array Dimensions

For multidimensional arrays, index inputs correspond to row-major order. Thus, the first index corresponds last dimension of the array input, and the last index corresponds to the first dimension of the array input. The following table shows the relationship between four index inputs and the dimensions of a 4D array input.

index Order Corresponding Dimension in array Input index Name
1 4th volume index
2 3rd page index
3 2nd row index
4 1st column index

array with subset deleted

The array returned with the deleted elements, rows, columns, or pages.


deleted portion

The deleted element or array.