
Group string data as a hierarchical list of items in multiple columns.

The tree control is a 1D array of clusters. Each row of the tree is one cluster. The first element in the row represents the hierarchical location of the item in the tree, and subsequent elements represent data to display in each column of the tree.

Use tree properties to write the column header or read and write selected items of the tree control.


How Do I Select Items in a Tree?

You can allow your users to select one or multiple items in the tree by placing a checkmark in the Allow selection checkbox on the Item tab. Use the Selection property to return information about the selected item(s).

How Do I Define the Hierarchy of a Tree?

You populate items in a tree using an array of clusters, as shown in the following figure.


The first element of each cluster is the hierarchical location of the item. The hierarchical location is a backslash-delimited string, where each segment of the delimited string denotes a level of hierarchy in the tree. Use the following general syntax to define a hierarchical location:

Syntax Definition
<empty string> or \ An empty string or backslash represents the root of the tree.
\parent\child or parent\child A leading backslash is equivalent to a location in the tree without a leading backslash.
parent\child\ or parent\child A trailing backslash is equivalent to a location in the tree without a trailing backslash.
Escape sequence or double backslash Escape sequences for character representations, such as \s to represent a space character, are not permitted.