LabVIEW Multicore Analysis and Sparse Matrix Toolkit API Reference

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Error Codes (Multicore Analysis and Sparse Matrix Toolkit)

Error Codes (Multicore Analysis and Sparse Matrix Toolkit)

The Multicore Analysis and Sparse Matrix VIs can return the following error codes. Refer to the KnowledgeBase for more information about correcting errors in LabVIEW.

Code Description
−359599 Error occurred during thread management. Contact National Instruments for technical support.
−359548 Error occurred processing out-of-core (OOC) data files.
−359547 Error occurred during numerical factorization or iterative refinement.
−359546 Error occurred during analysis and symbolic factorization.
−359545 The solver session is invalid or corrupt. You must initialize a solver session before using it.
−359544 The matrices must have the same size and sparsity pattern.
−359543 The specified Matrix Market file format is not correct.
−359542 The specified storage format is not correct.
−359541 The sparse matrix object is invalid. You must initialize or create a sparse matrix object before using it.
−359521 The real matrix computation failed.
−359503 Unable to free the internal memory state of FFT.
−359502 Unable to initialize the internal memory state of FFT.
−359501 Unable to compute the FFT.
359501 The real matrix computation failed. LabVIEW executes the complex matrix computation instead. The result might be a complex matrix.
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