Digital Filter Design Toolkit Features
- Updated2023-03-14
- 3 minute(s) read
Digital Filter Design Toolkit Features
The LabVIEW Digital Filter Design Toolkit includes a variety of tools to help you design digital filters. For example, the Digital Filter Design Toolkit includes Express VIs that you can use to interact graphically with filter specifications to design appropriate digital filters. In addition to the tools that help you quickly create digital filters, the Digital Filter Design Toolkit includes tools for single-rate and multirate digital filter design, floating-point to fixed-point conversion, filter analysis, simulation on a desktop computer, and filter bank design and analysis.
The Digital Filter Design Toolkit also includes tools for designing, analyzing, simulating, and using adaptive filters for different applications and with different adaptive filter algorithms. The following sections describe the major features that the Digital Filter Design Toolkit provides.
Comprehensive Analysis Tools
You can use the Filter Analysis VIs to evaluate the characteristics of digital filters. You can examine the frequency response, group delay, phase delay, impulse response, step response, and pole-zero placement of a digital filter.
Large Selection of Filter Structures
When you design digital filters with the Digital Filter Design Toolkit, you can select from one of 23 possible filter structures, which range from the direct form and cascaded form structures to the lattice auto-regressive (AR), lattice moving average (MA), and lattice ARMA structures.
Filter structures are mathematically equivalent when you use floating-point computation. However, different structures can perform differently in fixed-point implementations and can lead to different computation complexity and memory usage in fixed-point or floating-point implementations. Selecting an appropriate filter structure is critical for digital filter design, especially for fixed-point digital filters in which the precision of the filter coefficients and filtering operations is more limited than for floating-point digital filters.
Multirate Digital Filter Design
The Multirate Filter Design VIs help you design, analyze, and implement single-stage multirate filters, multistage multirate filters, halfband filters, Nyquist filters, raised cosine filters, and cascaded integrator comb (CIC) filters.
Special Digital Filter Design
The Special Filter Design VIs help you design IIR notch/peak filters, IIR comb filters, maximally flat filters, narrowband filters, and group delay compensators.
Adaptive Filter Design
The Adaptive Filters VIs help you create adaptive filters with different algorithms and to perform adaptive filtering on input signals. Adaptive filters extract meaningful signal features by adjusting filter coefficients automatically according to the dynamic conditions of the input signals and the environment.
Fixed-Point Filter Design and Code Generation
The Fixed-Point Tools VIs and Multirate Fixed-Point Tools VIs help you quantize, analyze, model, and simulate the fixed-point filter design, including single-rate and multirate filters. You can save the resulting fixed-point filter information as C code, which you then can implement on digital signal processing (DSP) chips. You also can save the resulting fixed-point information as LabVIEW code, which you then can implement on NI Reconfigurable I/O (RIO) targets.
The Fixed-Point VIs help you simulate the behaviors of a fixed-point adaptive filter, save the fixed-point settings to an XML file, and load the fixed-point settings from an XML file. You also can generate LabVIEW FPGA code for the fixed-point adaptive filter so that you can implement the fixed-point adaptive filter on NI Reconfigurable I/O (RIO) targets.
Generalized Remez and Least Pth Norm Design Algorithms
You can use algorithms such as the generalized Remez method and the least pth norm method to specify an arbitrary magnitude and a phase response for a digital filter. The Digital Filter Design Toolkit includes automatic order-estimation VIs to assist you in estimating the filter order.
Filter Bank Design and Analysis
The Digital Filter Design Toolkit includes VIs that you can use to design and analyze filter banks. You can use the VIs to design a 2-band quadrature mirror filter (QMF) or M-band cosine-modulated filter bank, analyze the characteristics of a filter bank, decompose or reconstruct signals with filter banks, retrieve filter bank parameters, and create a filter bank from a prototype filter.