Compare Traces Window
- Updated2023-02-21
- 3 minute(s) read
Compare Traces Window
Click Compare Traces on the View tab to display the Compare Traces window, which you can use to compare the events of two session in a single trace or in two different traces.
To compare two trace sessions of one trace, you must first use the main window to execute trace sessions and to display the events the Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit captured in the table pane. If you want to compare the trace sessions of two traces, you must open an existing trace file or execute a trace session in the new trace by clicking New Trace on the Home tab or pressing <Ctrl-N>.
The Compare Traces window contains the following components:
Compare 1—Contains the following panes for selecting and configuring a trace session you want to compare:
Session Configuration Pane—Specifies a session or part of a session for comparison. This pane contains the following options:
- Session Name—Displays all the trace sessions of the open traces and the corresponding timestamp of when a trace session starts. Select a trace session from this pull-down menu.
Refresh—Refreshes the Session Name pull-down menu to load all open trace sessions.
Begin Index—Specifies where to start a comparison. Enter the number in the # column in the table pane for the first event you want to compare. The default is the number of the first event in the trace session you select.
Tip The Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit takes a long time to compare trace sessions with large amounts of data and the comparison results may be undesirable. Specify the Begin Index and End Index options to select the part of traces sessions you want to compare, so that you can reduce the amount of trace data to compare. - End Index—Specifies where to end a comparison. Enter the number in the # column in the table pane for the last event you want to compare. The default is the number of the last event in the trace session you select.
- Table Pane—Displays the trace data of the trace session you select in the session configuration pane. This section contains the same columns and shortcut menu options as the table pane in the main window.
- Details Pane—Displays additional details about the event you select in the above table pane.
Session Configuration Pane—Specifies a session or part of a session for comparison. This pane contains the following options:
- Compare 2—Contains the same panes and options as Compare 1 for selecting and configuring another trace session you want to compare.
Compare Options—Contains the following options:
Compare—Compares the two trace sessions you select and highlights the differences.
Previous—Navigates to the previous difference between the two sessions you selected.
Next—Navigates to the next difference between the two sessions you selected.
Help—Displays the Compare Traces Window topic in the LabVIEW Desktop Execution Trace Toolkit for Windows Help.