Build Digital Waveform

Builds a digital waveform or modifies an existing waveform. If you do not wire the waveform input, the function creates a new waveform based on the components you wire. If you wire the waveform input, the function modifies the waveform based on the components you wire.



  • cdigwdt.png waveform
    waveform is the digital waveform you want to edit. If you do not wire an existing waveform, the function creates a new waveform based on the components you wire.
  • catrn.png t0
    t0 specifies the start time of the waveform.
  • cdbl.png dt
    dt specifies the time interval in seconds between data points in the waveform.
  • cdigtblrn.png Y
    Y is a digital table that contains the data values of a waveform.
  • cfxdt.png attributes
    attributes sets the names and values of all waveform attributes.

    You also can use the Set Waveform Attribute function to set the name and value of a single attribute.

  • idigwdt.png output waveform
    output waveform is the resulting waveform. If you did not wire an existing waveform, this is a new waveform. If you wired an existing waveform, this is the edited waveform.
  • Examples

    Refer to the following example files included with LabVIEW.

    • labview\examples\Controls and Indicators\Graphs and Charts\Digital Waveform Graph\Create Digital