Set Symmetric Difference VI

Computes the symmetric difference of two sets.



  • cset.png set 1

    set 1 specifies the first set. This input accepts a set of any data type. The default data type is a set of strings.

  • cset.png set 2

    set 2 specifies the second set. This input must be the same data type as set 1. The default data type is a set of strings.

  • iset.png symmetric difference

    symmetric difference returns a set of elements that are included in either set 1 or set 2 but not both.

  • The following figure illustrates how this VI computes the symmetric difference of two sets. The two circles represent the two sets. The green sections are the symmetric difference.


    Refer to the following example files included with LabVIEW.

    • labview\examples\Collections\Set Collection - Word