Enum Registry Values Simple VI

Enumerates the values for the specified key or subkey. If retrieve data? is TRUE, the VI returns DWORD data and String/Binary data in addition to values and simple data types.

Use this VI with the Query Registry Key Info VI.

Caution Incorrectly modifying the registry can damage Windows or prevent you from starting Windows.



  • cdlrn.png refnum

    refnum is a handle to the open key.

  • cbool.png retrieve data? (F)

    retrieve data? retrieves data and data types, if TRUE.

  • cnclst.png value info

    value info is the set of parameters describing the set of values and data.

  • ci32.png numValues

    numValues is the number of values under the key specified by hKey.

  • ci32.png maxValueNameLen

    maxValueNameLen is the length of the longest value name under the key specified by hKey.

  • ci32.png maxValueDataLen

    maxValueDataLen is the length of the longest datum under the key specified by hKey.

  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • i1du32.png DWORD data

    DWORD data is an array of data of Windows registry type DWORD.

  • idlrn.png refnum out

    refnum out is a handle to the open key.

  • i1dstr.png values

    values is an array of value names.

  • i1denum.png simple data types

    simple data types is an array of simplified Windows registry data types.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

  • i1dstr.png String/Binary data

    String/Binary data is an array of data of Windows registry type 'String' or 'Binary'.