Measures of Mean VI

Computes the central tendency of the data values in x array.



  • c1ddbl.png x array

    x array specifies the data set.

  • cenum.png type

    type specifies the type of mean to compute.

    0arithmetic—Computes the arithmetic mean of x array.
    1geometric—Computes the geometric mean of x array.
    2harmonic—Computes the harmonic mean of x array.
    3trimmed—Computes the arithmetic mean of x array after removing the percentage of potential outliers that percent (trim) specifies.
    4median—Computes the central value of x array. The median value also is the 50th percentile.
  • cdbl.png percent (trim)

    percent (trim) specifies the percentage of data to trim before computing the trimmed mean. Use this input to ignore outlier values in x array. LabVIEW trims the percentage you specify from both the lowest and highest values of x array. Thus, the total amount trimmed equals twice the value of percent (trim).

  • idbl.png mean value

    mean value returns the mean measure of the data in x array.

  • ii32.png error

    error returns any error or warning from the VI. You can wire error to the Error Cluster From Error Code VI to convert the error code or warning into an error cluster.

  • The trimmed and median measures of mean resist outlier values in the data set and usually are more robust than the other measures of mean.