FTP Get Multiple Files VI

Connects to an FTP server and copies a list of files to the local machine.



  • cu16.png remote port (21)

    remote port is the TCP/IP port at which the server listens. The default is 21, the FTP control port.

  • cstr.png password

    password is the password that authenticates the username.

    (NI Linux Real-Time) You must specify a blank password. For NI Linux Real-Time targets, the FTP server does not accept NI-Auth credentials.

  • cstr.png user

    user is the name you want to use to log on to the FTP server.

    The default is anonymous. (NI Linux Real-Time) You must specify anonymous as the value for this input. For NI Linux Real-Time targets, the FTP server does not accept NI-Auth credentials.

  • cstr.png host

    host is the name or IP address of an FTP server.

  • c1dcclst.png file specifications

    file specifications contains the FTP configuration for file transfers.

  • cstr.png remote path

    remote path is a path to a file on the FTP server. The remote path input supports Windows-like file paths such as c:\ni-rt\system\a.txt and UNIX-like file paths such as /ni-rt/system/a.txt. If you need to specify a drive letter on UNIX-like paths, the input supports paths such as /c:/ni-rt/system/a.txt.

  • cpath.png local path

    local path is the path to the location where you store the local file. If you do not wire local path, a file dialog box prompts you for a location.

  • cbool.png binary

    binary specifies whether to transfer data in binary or ASCII mode. The default is FALSE, in which the VI transfers data in ASCII mode.

  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    error in describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.

  • cbool.png active (T)

    active specifies whether the data connection is active or passive. The default is TRUE, which specifies an active connection.

  • i1derrcodeclst.png file errors

    file errors is an array of error clusters containing file-related errors, such as invalid remote path and file access permission denied.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    error out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.