Build XY Graph

Formats data to be displayed on an XY graph.

Note This Express VI appears on the block diagram when you add an Express XY graph to the front panel. You can find the Express XY graph on the Graph palette.


Dialog Box Options

Option Description
Clear data on each call

Clears the data on the graph each time the Express VI is called during execution.

Regardless of the value of Clear data on each call, the Express VI clears the data on the graph the first time it is called during execution.


  • cexpdynwdt.png X Input

    Specifies the X input.

  • cexpdynwdt.png Y Input

    Specifies the Y input.

  • cbool.png Enable

    Enables or disables the Express VI. The default is ON or TRUE.

  • cerrcodeclst.png error in (no error)

    Describes error conditions that occur before this node runs.

  • cbool.png Reset

    Controls the initialization of the internal state of the VI. The default is FALSE.

  • i1dcclst.png XY Graph

    Returns the XY graph as the output of the Express VI.

  • ierrcodeclst.png error out

    Contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.

  • Examples

    Refer to the following example files included with LabVIEW.

    • labview\examples\Express VIs\Lissajous with Express