
Indicates how LabVIEW displays the front panel window.

Invalid0If you read this property and an error occurs, the property returns this value. If you set the property to this value, the property returns an error.
Standard1The front panel window is open but is not minimized, maximized, or hidden.
Closed2The front panel window is not open. If you set the property to this value, the property returns an error.
Hidden3The front panel window is floating but is not visible because LabVIEW is not the active application. If you set the property to this value and close all references to the front panel, the window remains open but hidden. Because the VI is open, the Getting Started window does not appear. To solve this problem, open the VI from the operating system. For example, double-click the VI in Windows Explorer to open the VI.
Minimized4The front panel window is minimized.
Maximized5The front panel window is maximized.