Control Help Window Function

Modifies the Context Help window by showing, hiding, or by repositioning the window.

(Real-Time Module) You cannot use this function in VIs that run on RT targets.



  • cbool.png Show

    If Show is TRUE, LabVIEW displays the Context Help window. If FALSE, LabVIEW hides the Context Help window. The default is to maintain the current visibility of the Context Help window.

  • cnclst.png Top Left Corner

    Top Left Corner indicates the new position of the Context Help window and contains numbers that represent points offset from the upper left corner of the screen.

  • ci16.png Horizontal

    Horizontal is the number of points to place the Context Help window to the right of the upper left corner of the screen.

  • ci16.png Vertical

    Vertical is the number of points to place the Context Help window below the upper left corner of the screen.