LabVIEW Analytics and Machine Learning Toolkit API Reference

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AML Normalize Properties

AML Normalize Properties

Wire the normalization model info output of the Normalize VI to the reference input of a standard Property Node to get an AML Normalize Property Node. This Property Node has the following properties:

Property Access Data Type Description
Max Values Read Only

Returns the maximum values of all features in the data for the Min-Max method. This property is available only if transformation method is MinMax. The array length is the number of features. Each element is the maximum value of each feature.
Mean Values Read Only

Returns the mean values of all features in the data for the Z-Score method, when you perform one shot training. This property is available only if transformation method is ZScore.
Returns the mean values of all features in the data, when you perform batch training.
The array length is the number of features. Each element is the mean value of each feature.
Min Values Read Only

Returns the minimum values of all features in the data for the Min-Max method. This property is available only if transformation method is MinMax. The array length is the number of features. Each element is the minimum value of each feature.
Standard Deviation Values Read Only

Returns the standard deviation values of all features in the data for the Z-Score method. This property is available only if transformation method is ZScore. The array length is the number of features. Each element is the standard deviation value of each feature.
Normalization Settings Read Only

Returns the settings of normalization.
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