Converting LabVIEW NXG Web Module Projects to G Web Development Software Projects

Convert your LabVIEW NXG Web Module project (.lvproject) to a G Web Development Software project (.gwebproject).

Before you begin, ensure that all files are unlocked and sourced within the project you want to convert. If your files are locked or cannot be found, your project will not convert.
  1. Launch G Web Development Software.
  2. Click File » Open Project » Browse.
  3. In the Open Project dialog box, filter the available files by selecting LabVIEW NXG Project in the file type pull-down.
  4. Select the project you want to convert and click Open.
  5. Click Continue when prompted.
    Note G Web Development Software removes unsupported files to successfully complete conversion. The conversion report lists any changes made to your code.
  6. Click Close and your converted project automatically opens.