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Input and Result Quantities in Quantity-Sized Calculations

Input and Result Quantities in Quantity-Sized Calculations

To calculate quantity-based in DIAdem, click the Calculate Quantity-Based button on the DIAdem ANALYSIS toolbar. When executing quantity-based calculations, DIAdem checks whether the selected physical quantities can be used in the same calculation. If DIAdem cannot execute the calculation due to inappropriate physical quantities, DIAdem displays an error message. Refer to the Help page Calculating Quantity-Based and Non-Quantity-Based in DIAdem for the conditions and rules for quantity-based calculations.

Additional rules apply for the Calculator and the Calculate command. Refer to the Help page of the Calculate command for further information.

Some functions need dimensionless input quantities or return dimensionless result quantities. These physical quantities all have the exponent 0 for all base units. 1, %, and dB are examples of dimensionless physical sizes. If you do not specify a result quantity, DIAdem uses the unit 1 as the result unit for these functions.

For most VBS functions the physical input quantity is arbitrary and the physical result quantity dimensionless. The following functions however need a special physical input quantity or return special physical result quantities:

Numeric Functions

+, -, Abs, Frac, MaxV, MinV, Random, Rnd, Round, Trunc The physical input quantities and the result quantities are the same.
*, -, ^Sqr, Sqrt DIAdem specifies the physical result quantity with the physical dimensions of the input quantities.
Exp, Eex, Fak, Lg, Ln, Log, The input quantity must be dimensionless. The physical result quantity is also dimensionless.
Mod The first physical input quantity is arbitrary. The second input quantity must be dimensionless. The first physical input quantity and the result quantity are the same.
Sign, SND, Rtp, Rtt The physical input quantity is arbitrary. The physical result quantity is dimensionless.

Trigonometric Functions

ArcCos, ArcCot, ArcSinArcTan, The input quantity must be dimensionless. The result quantity has the physical quantity Plane angle.
ArcTanH, Cos The input quantity must be dimensionless. The physical result quantity is also dimensionless.
ATanK The first and second physical input quantity must be the same. The result quantity has the physical quantity Plane angle.
Deg The input quantity must have the unit rad. The result quantity has the physical quantity Plane angle.
Rad The input quantity must have the unit deg. The result quantity has the physical quantity Plane angle.
Cos, CosH, Cot, Sin, SinH, Tan, TanH The input quantity must have the physical quantity Plane angle. The physical result quantity is dimensionless.

Boolean Functions

AND, NOT, OR, =, >, >=, <, <=, <> The first and the second physical quantity must be the same. The physical result quantity is dimensionless.

Bit Functions

AndB, OrB, XorB The first and the second physical quantity must be the same. The physical input quantities and the result quantities are the same.
ClrB, GetB, NotB, SetB, ShL, ShR, The first physical input quantity is arbitrary. The second input quantity must be dimensionless. The first physical input quantity and the result quantity are the same.
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