File Dialog

Displays a dialog box with which a user can specify the path to a new or existing file or directory.




button label

Text to display on the OK or Current Directory button in the file dialog box.

If button label is longer than the width of the button, the file dialog box does not display the entire label. The button is typically about 11 characters wide.

Default value: Empty string



Custom message that appears as the title of the file dialog box.

Default value: Choose or Enter Path of File


start path

Path of the directory whose contents are initially displayed in the file dialog box.

If start path is valid, but does not refer to an existing directory, this node strips names from the end of the path until the path is a valid directory path or an empty path. If start path is invalid, the last directory viewed in a file dialog box initially appears in the dialog box.

Default value: No value — Displays the last directory viewed in a file dialog box


default name

Name you want to appear as the initial file or directory name in the dialog box.

Default value: Empty string


error in

Error conditions that occur before this node runs.

The node responds to this input according to standard error behavior.

Standard Error Behavior

Default value: No error



A string containing special characters that this node uses to restrict the files displayed. pattern does not restrict the directories displayed.

Default value: *.*

Definitions of Special Characters

The pattern matching used by this node is similar to the matching used in matching wildcards. A wildcard is a keyboard character such as an asterisk (*) or a question mark (?) that you can use in place of one or more characters when you search for files. Use wildcards in place of one or more characters when you do not know what the real character is or you do not want to type the entire name.

Characters behave as described in the following table.

Character Meaning Example
? Matches any single character. If you enter multi?.doc, this node locates the file multi1.doc or multis.doc but not multiply.doc.
* Matches any sequence of zero or more characters. If you enter *.html;*.doc, this node locates all files with the extensions .doc or .html.
; Separates patterns, allowing you to specify multiple allowable patterns. Do not insert whitespace following this character because this node interprets whitespace literally. If you enter multi.doc;multiply.doc this node locates both the file multi.doc and multiply.doc.
All other characters, including white space Matches the exact character. If you enter multi.doc, this node only locates the file multi.doc.

pattern label

Text to display in the file dialog box next to the custom pattern.

If you do not wire a string to pattern, this node ignores this input.

Default value: All Files


selected path

Absolute path to the file or directory selected using the file dialog box. If the user cancels the dialog box, this output returns <Not A Path>.



A Boolean value that indicates whether selected path refers to an existing file or directory.

True selected path refers to an existing file or directory.
False selected path does not refer to an existing file or directory.


A Boolean value that indicates whether the user cancelled the dialog box that appears if no input file was wired to this node.

True The dialog box was cancelled.
False The dialog box was not cancelled, or the dialog box did not appear.

error out

Error information.

The node produces this output according to standard error behavior.

Standard Error Behavior