Installing a Ferrite

What to Use

  • Ferrite, NI part number 711849-01 (included in kit)
  • Screwdriver, 2.54 mm (0.10 in.) flathead
  • Primary power supply, 9 V to 30 V, 55 W minimum

What to Do

Complete the following steps to install a ferrite on the sbRIO-96xx.

Note If your kit contains an NI PS-10, you do not need to install a ferrite. The NI PS-10 has a ferrite installed on the power leads.
Figure 37. Installing a Ferrite on the Power Leads

  1. Power off the power supply.
  2. Install the ferrite on the negative and positive leads of the power supply.
  3. Pass the leads through the ferrite twice.
    Note Leave 50 mm to 75 mm (2 in. to 3 in.) between the ferrite and the end of the leads.
  4. Close the ferrite around the leads.