NI Data Link Test Framework

FROM $ 2,027.00



Item details
Company: NI
Software Use: Development
Edition Type: Full
Language: English
Supported OS: Windows
Delivery Method: Download
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The NI Data Link Test Framework helps you work with PXI Vector Signal Transceivers (VSTs) to measure modulation accuracy and to transmit power.

The NI Data Link Test Framework is utility software that you can use with PXI VSTs to address RF signal fidelity, system-level validation, and digital system test requirements for TT&C and SATCOM data signals. Additionally, you can use the NI Data Link Test Framework in a configuration with PXI VST measurement personalities within NI-RFmx, and with a customizable FPGA framework based on FlexRIO hardware. This consolidated, scalable framework supports simultaneous RF parametric test, real-time hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) validation, and application-specific endpoint emulation.

产品编号: 789990-35 | 789989-35


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