NeoDB for PostGreSQL

Neosoft Technologies




The NeoDB for PostgreSQL provides communication to PostgreSQL databases through TCP/IP on Windows, MacOS, Linux, or PharLap operating systems.

The NeoDB for PostgreSQL is a software add-on for LabVIEW that provides functionality required to communicate with PostgreSQL databases through TCP/IP instead of using an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver. You can send Select, Update, Delete, Update, Move, Fetch, Copy, Create Table, and other commands to your PostgreSQL database. The add-on supports SCRAM, MD5, cleartext, and trust encryption for user passwords. You also can use the NeoDB for PostgreSQL on NI real-time targets compatible with LabVIEW Real-Time Module running on PharLap, VxWorks, or NI Linux Real-Time operating systems. Additionally, when using NI Linux Real-Time operating systems, you also can store PostGreSQL database on a remote PC. The add-on does not include the PostGreSQL database. The registered trademark Linux� is used pursuant to a sublicense from LMI, the exclusive licensee of Linus Torvalds, owner of the mark on a worldwide basis.

产品编号: 787764-35

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