



Multisim is industry standard SPICE simulation and circuit design software for analog, digital, and power electronics in education and research.

Multisim integrates industry standard SPICE simulation with an interactive schematic environment to instantly visualize and analyze electronic circuit behavior. Multisim has an intuitive interface that helps educators reinforce circuit theory and improve retention of theory throughout engineering curriculum. Researchers and designers use Multisim to reduce PCB prototype iterations and save development costs by adding powerful circuit simulation and analyses to the design flow.


  • 結合互動式模擬與 20 種分析類型,以加快類比與數位電路設計的速度
  • 透過並排比較實際與模擬結果,將實驗與理論予以統整
  • 使用完整的函式庫 (包括超過 55,000 個經驗證的製造商裝置) 進行設計


产品编号: 788398-35 | 788398-35WM | 788399-35WM | 788399-35 | 788397-35WM | 788397-35

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