INERTIA Add-On for VeriStand





INERTIA Add-On for VeriStand helps you implement real-time control systems for physical test and validation applications.

INERTIA Add-On for VeriStand is a software add-on for VeriStand that helps you integrate motors and drives, servo-hydraulics, and model-based control in a common hardware and software tool. The add-on enhances the capabilities of VeriStand with ready-to-use functionality to the VeriStand System Explorer, Workspace, and Stimulus Profile Editor. These features include closed-loop controllers, multimode control support, an integrated test editor, and other application-specific tools and UI objects for Workspace. The added functionally of INERTIA serves as an integrated control solution for test cell applications such as dynamometer and servo-hydraulic test systems.

产品编号: 782268-35 | 782089-35

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