Industrial Protocols Educational Software

RAFA Solutions, LLC




Industrial Protocols Educational Software helps students learn the basics of industrial protocols and interfaces.

Industrial Protocols Educational Software is a software add-on for LabVIEW that can work with PXI hardware. You can choose from two versions of the software: software-only or hardware-integrated. Industrial Protocols Educational Software features exercises and demonstrations to aid in the understanding of the structures and operation principles of protocols including CAN, GPIB, I2C, Modbus, RS232, RS485/422, SPI, TCP, and UDP. For each protocol, the add-on provides one to three exercises and a demo to visualize the working mechanisms, such as data transmission and reception. You can use Industrial Protocols Educational Software to create Microsoft Word reports for completed exercises.

产品编号: 783769-35

本页面上的LabVIEW第三方附加软件由独立的第三方供应商提供,这些供应商对这些产品负全部责任。 对于第三方供应商提供的任何产品性能、产品描述、规范、参考内容或陈述,NI概不负责。 对于第三方供应商提供的产品、参考内容或陈述,NI不作任何明示或暗示的保证。