Context Menu and Notification Icon Toolkit

10X Engineering, LLC

FROM $ 99.00



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The Context Menu and Notification Icon Toolkit helps you create, add, or modify menus and icons for the Windows taskbar.

The Context Menu and Notification Icon Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. This add-on provides an API with which you can create custom and specific context menus and notification icons on the Windows taskbar. The add-on features a modifiable architecture for context menu creation, and it helps you add icons, progress bars, buttons, and separators to your menus. You can perform modifications for all items, including adding/removing, font type and size, visibility, and more. Additionally, the Context Menu and Notification Icon Toolkit helps you provide useful information to users with generated notification windows.

产品编号: 786686-35

本页面上的LabVIEW第三方附加软件由独立的第三方供应商提供,这些供应商对这些产品负全部责任。 对于第三方供应商提供的任何产品性能、产品描述、规范、参考内容或陈述,NI概不负责。 对于第三方供应商提供的产品、参考内容或陈述,NI不作任何明示或暗示的保证。