


Select options
I/O TypeSpecifies the signal type(s) the instrument can handle, such as RF, baseband, or RF and baseband.
RF mmWave
Generator Tuning Time (Typical)Time required by signal to release lock on one frequency and jump to another.
RF Analyzer Instantaneous BandwidthMaximum continuous RF bandwidth that an instrument acquires.
2 GHz
RF Analyzer Frequency RangeThe span between the minimum and maximum frequency the product can measure.
200 MHz to 23 GHz, 22.5 GHz to 54 GHz
RF Generator Instantaneous BandwidthMaximum continuous RF bandwidth that an instrument generates.
2 GHz
RF Generator Frequency RangeCarrier frequency range the product can generate.
200 MHz to 23 GHz, 22.5 GHz to 54 GHz
30 MHz to 8 GHz
30 MHz to 12 GHz
30 MHz to 26.5 GHz
30 MHz to 18 GHz
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26.5 GHz or 54 GHz, Up to 4 GHz BW, RF PXI Vector Signal Transceiver

The PXIe-5842 is a vector signal transceiver (VST), which combines a vector signal generator and vector signal analyzer into a single four-slot PXI Express instrument. This VST provides the fast measurement speed and small form factor of a production test box with the flexibility and high performance of R&D-grade box instruments. The PXIe-5842 benefits from PXI modularity and scalability, as up to four PXIe-5842 VSTs can fit into one 18-slot PXI Chassis. Additionally, the VST provides the error vector magnitude (EVM) performance required to test a variety of cellular and wireless standards such as Wi-Fi 7 and 5G NR. The PXIe-5842 supports frequency coverage and bandwidth availability for a wide range of semiconductor, aerospace, and defense applications.

产品编号: 143045-01 | 788566-02 | 789600-08511 | 789600-26511 | 789600-08210 | 789600-12111 | 789600-08111 | 789600-12501 | 789600-08110 | 789600-26211 | 789600-18211 | 789600-18110 | 789600-18511 | 789600-08211 | 789600-12510 | 789600-26101 | 789600-18501 | 789600-12511 | 789600-08501 | 789600-18201 | 789600-18510 | 789600-12201 | 789600-26501 | 789600-12101 | 789600-18101 | 789600-18111 | 789600-12110 | 789600-26201 | 789600-12211 | 789600-12210 | 789600-08201 | 789600-08101 | 789600-08510 | 789600-26111 | 789600-26110 | 789600-18210 | 789600-26510 | 789600-26210 |



