專業觀點單元介紹 NI 對測試與技術領域的未來展望。
提供適用於 NI 資料擷取與訊號處理裝置的支援。
提供適用於乙太網路、GPIB、序列、USB 與其他類型儀器的支援。
提供適用於 NI GPIB 控制器與配備 GPIB 連接埠之 NI 嵌入式控制器的支援。
Application software provides configuration-based workflows to test, monitor, control, and analyze physical systems.
NI-Industrial Communications for Ethernet/IP enables a LabVIEW system to communicate as an Ethernet/IP Class 1 adapter device on an Ethernet/IP network.
VeriStand helps you validate hardware and perform embedded software test for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) applications.
DIAdem is data management software for measurement data aggregation, inspection, analysis, and reporting.
FlexLogger provides sensor configuration and data logging of mixed signals to verify electromechanical systems, all without programming.
Vision Builder for Automated Inspection helps you configure cameras, customize image analysis, and generate inspection results without programming.
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