Web Service for Network DCPOWER Driver for LabVIEW

Innovative Solutions




The Web Service for Network DCPOWER Driver for LabVIEW provides a remote driver for use with NI PXI hardware supported by the NI-DCPower instrument driver.

The Web Service for Network DCPOWER Driver for LabVIEW is a software add-on that helps you use and remotely access PXI Programmable Power Supplies and PXI Source Measure Units (SMUs). With this add-on, you can develop code on your PC and run it on a PXI system using the chassis IP address. You can connect to multiple PXI systems at the same time from your PC,and multiple users can use a single PXI system. The add-on also helps you convert your NI-DCPower code to and from NetDCPower code. The Web Service for Network DCPOWER Driver for LabVIEW W does not require the NI-DCPower driver to be installed.

产品编号: 784131-35

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