Ultra-Wideband Test Toolkit




Ultra-Wideband Test Toolkit provides signal generation and analysis for IEEE 802.15.4z UWB test applications.

Ultra-Wideband Test Toolkit is application software that extends the capability of RF instrumentation such as PXI Vector Signal Generations, PXI Vector Signal Analyzers, and PXI Vector Signal Transceivers. You can use this software for IEEE 802.15.4z ultra-wideband (UWB) manufacturing test, RF and physical layer (PHY) test, and design and validation. The software supports MAC and PHY layer signal configuration, generation of various frame formats, various payload types and impairments, and more. Ultra-Wideband Test Toolkit also provides analysis features including frequency offset, clock offset, mean PRF measurement, bit rate measurement, packet error rate measurement, and more. Additionally, the Ultra-Wideband Test Toolkit includes example code and code modules in LabVIEW and C#.


  • 通过确定性定时引擎即时生成802.15.4z/FiRa波形
  • 综合测量套件包含GUI和代码范例
  • LabVIEW和C#中直观灵活的软件开箱即用型代码模块
  • Maxeye UWB工具包提供技术支持

产品编号: 788542-35

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