Power Quality Analyzer with Standard Protocol Support

Prolucid Technologies




The Power Quality Analyzer with Standard Protocol Support provides real-time and historical power analytics for energy management solutions.

The Power Quality Analyzer (PQA) with Standard Protocol Support is a software add-on for LabVIEW. This add-on provides a turnkey and extensible PQA based on IEC 61000-X standards and the E2C Edge Framework by Prolucid. You can use this add-on to run two independent PQAs simultaneously in one hardware platform by configuring, customizing, and time synchronizing. You can measure flicker, energy, power, and more while detecting the power quality of related events, such as sags and swells. The add-on also supports the deployment of custom analytics and control algorithms through the LabVIEW API. Additionally, the Power Quality Analyzer with Standard Protocol Support includes InsightCM integration and supports simultaneous multiprotocol output.

产品编号: 783667-35

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