Lock-In Amplifier Soft Front Panel

Ngene, LLC




The Lock-In Amplifier Soft Front Panel helps you convert DAQ hardware into lock-in amplifiers.

The Lock-In Amplifier Soft Front Panel (LIA-SFP) is a software add-on for LabVIEW. You can use this add-on to work with NI FPGA-based hardware, includingFlexRIO modules and PXI-, PCI-, and USB-based reconfigurable multifunction I/O devices. With the LIA-SFP, you can use thehardware asmultichannel, dual-phase, digital lock-in amplifiers. Depending on the device, the add-on supports up to four simultaneous amplifiers, from a 25 Hz to 100 kHz frequency range. The Lock-In Amplifier Soft Front Panel also includes a 100 dB dynamic reserve.

产品编号: 785214-35

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