LDO Measurement Suite

Soliton Technologies Private Limited




The LDO Measurement Suite helps simplify the validation of common parameters of the common low-dropout (LDO) linear regulator with InstrumentStudio.

The LDO Measurement Suite is a software add-on that helps designers and engineers validate LDO linear regulator parameters using interactive measurement panels in InstrumentStudio and PXI hardware. This add-on also helps you debug your measurements in InstrumentStudio. Additionally, you can save your pin-based measurement configurations and reuse them on different machines or in a TestStand automation environment for reproducibility. The following hardware is required to run all the included software: a line injector for power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) measurements, and PXI Source Measure Unit, PXI Digital Multimeter, and PXI Oscilloscope from NI for other measurements.

产品编号: 788231-35

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