Embedded Control and Monitoring Software Suite




The Embedded Control and Monitoring Software Suite is a collection of software and tools for industrial equipment or designing smart machines.

The Embedded Control and Monitoring Software Suite features LabVIEW and recommended add-ons specifically for building embedded control and monitoring systems. This suite helps you quickly respond to the changing requirements of your system with a single, highly optimized toolchain for every phase of your design cycle, from modeling and simulation to prototyping, validation, and deployment.



  • 包含的软件:LabVIEW专业开发系统、LabVIEW Real-Time模块、LabVIEW FPGA模块、视觉采集软件、LabVIEW SoftMotion模块、Eclipse C/C ++ IDE 编译器、FPGA接口C API以及相关的NI设备驱动程序

产品编号: 784063-35WM | 784063-35

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