DVB-T/H Signal Analysis and Monitoring Toolkit

MaxEye Technologies Private Limited




The DVB-T/H Signal Analysis and Monitoring Toolkit helps you create DVB-T/H standard-based test signals for receiver testing.

The DVB-T/H Signal Analysis and Monitoring Toolkit is a software add-on for LabVIEW. You can use this add-on to perform standards-based tests for designing, evaluating, and manufacturing Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial/Handheld (DVB-T/H) equipment. The add-on integrates with compatible PXI Vector Signal Transceivers, PXI Vector Signal Analyzers, and USRP Software Defined Radio Devices. The add-on provides standards-based modulation accuracy, such as transmit power, I/Q impairments, and single frequency networks (SFNs) and spectral measurements. Additionally, you can use the DVB-T/H Signal Analysis and Monitoring Toolkit to analyze, troubleshoot, and validate transmitter signal issues as well as calibrate DVB-T transmitter components. The add-on includes LabVIEW API VIs, programming examples, and documentation for all the APIs.

产品编号: 783542-35

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