DAC Drivers FPGA Library for LabVIEW

RAFA Solutions, LLC




The DAC Drivers FPGA Library for LabVIEW provides VIs for D/A converter (DAC) configuration, driver, and data conversion.

The DAC Drivers FPGA Library for LabVIEW is a software add-on that supports the Analog Devices AD5422, AD5752R, and AD5755-1 16-bit DACs. This add-on helps you implement and integrate the support of DACs in custom applications by using separate FPGA VIs for configuration, driver, and data conversion. With these separate VIs for the DAC configuration, you can write to the DAC registers without creating the register data manually on a per bit basis.The DAC Drivers FPGA Library for LabVIEW supports all of DACs and includes an API for fast integration into custom codes. Additionally, you can access example VIs that demonstrate the usage of the included FPGA drivers.

产品编号: 784235-35

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