Cross-Correlation EVM Optimization Toolkit

FROM $ 8,646.00



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Supported OS: Windows
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The Cross-Correlation EVM Optimization Toolkit helps you perform accurate EVM measurements, especially for WLAN signals.

The Cross-Correlation EVM Optimization Toolkit is application software that you can use to perform error vector magnitude (EVM) measurements of wideband modulated signals. The software helps you control two independent, wideband RF analyzers to cancel out uncorrelated noise present in acquired RF signals while computing true EVM caused by device-under-test (DUT)-generated noise and impairments. As a result, the Cross-Correlation EVM Optimization Toolkit supports more accurate EVM measurements and features greater performance than what is possible with a single receiver.


  • 保留信号信息,同时抑制不相关的仪表噪声
  • 尽可能减少VSA产生噪声的简单、有效方法
  • 可测量超宽信号的真实DUT EVM的专利技术

产品编号: 788119-35 | 788411-35 | 788411-35WP
