BACnet/IP Protocol

Ovak Technologies




The BACnet/IP Protocol helps you communicate between BACnet Devices and NI hardware.

The BACnet/IP Protocol is a software add-on that implements the Building Automation and Control Network/IP (BACnet/IP) communication protocol with LabVIEW. This add-on helps you integrate NI hardware into BACnet without OPC servers. The add-on helps you browse BACnet devices, communicate with peer devices on their networks, read and write properties, create protocol objects, and perform other tasks specified in the BACnet/IP standard. You can use the add-on with NI real-time hardware targets such as CompactRIO systems, CompactRIO Single-Board Controllers, PXI Controllers, and more. Also, you can use the BACnet/IP Protocol with host targets such as Windows-based computers.

产品编号: 785105-35 | 785105-35WP

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