
FROM $ 64,050.00



Item details
I/O Type: RF
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Generator Tuning Time (Typical)Time required by signal to release lock on one frequency and jump to another.
175 µs
380 µs
RF Analyzer Instantaneous BandwidthMaximum continuous RF bandwidth that an instrument acquires.
1 GHz
RF Analyzer Frequency RangeThe span between the minimum and maximum frequency the product can measure.
9 kHz to 6 GHz
RF Generator Instantaneous BandwidthMaximum continuous RF bandwidth that an instrument generates.
1 GHz
RF Generator Frequency RangeCarrier frequency range the product can generate.
9 kHz to 6 GHz
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6 GHz,1 GHzPXI矢量信号发仪

PXIe-5841是具有1 GHz瞬时射频带宽的PXI矢量信号收发仪(VST)。该仪器结合了一个矢量信号发生器、矢量信号分析仪、高速串行接口以及基于FPGA的实时信号处理和控制。PXIe-5841兼具了软件无线电架构的灵活性以及射频仪器的高性能。VST不仅具备快速的测量速度和小巧的生产测试仪器组成结构,同时还拥有研发级台式仪器的灵活性和高性能。PXIe-5841提供可选的高性能本振模块,可改善相位噪声、测量时间和EVM性能。VST适用于测试Wi-Fi 6和5G NR等各种蜂窝和无线标准。此外,PXIe-5841小巧的双槽2U PXI Express组成结构可以轻松地进行扩展,以支持多输入多输出(MIMO)配置。

产品编号: 786982-01 | 785832-01 | 788845-01 | 788843-01 | 788844-01 | 788842-01 |





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