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Showing 1 - 10 of 23 results

My application requires that I set more than one chip select at a time. Can I do this with the NI-845x driver and a NI USB-8451 or USB-8452?

I need to obtain the calibration certificate for my USB-8451. I went to theInstrument Certificate generator wrote my device's serial number but obtain no certificate. I required either a calibration certificate ...

I am receiving error -301740, -301741,-301742,-301743,-301744, or-301745 from my NI I2C/SPI device. How do I resolve these errors?

I have achip I am trying to communicate with usingthe NI-8451's SPI bus. The NI-8451 uses an active low chip select by default, but my chip uses an active high chip select (the chip select line has to ...

TheNI USB-8451is a high-speed USB-based device used to communicate to serial peripheral interface (SPI) and inter-integrated circuit (I2C) compatible devices such as EEPROMs, real-time clocks, ADC and ...

I am looking to use an USB-845x and the NI-845x drivers for I2C programming and would like to configure a timing waveform for high performance communication. Is there a Stream API available for I2C communication ...

I want to use a cable longer then 1 Meter. What is the maximum cable length that I can use with I2C?

I would like to read and write to the DIO port on the USB-8451/8452, but right now I can only read or write to one DIO line at a time. How do I read and write to the entire port?

I have a National Instruments USB-8451 I2C/SPI device and need to perform streaming for 16 bit transfers. Is this possible? Does the 8451 device support the SPI Stream API?

I may have damaged hardware from National Instruments, how do I confirm this is the case?

Showing 1 - 10 of 23 results
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