Developing Vision Applications using OpenCV and NI Vision



Using OpenCV with NI Vision you can:
1. Integrate OpenCV algorithms with proven NI Vision Development Module Algorithms for image processing and machine vision as well as image acquisition from supported cameras and frame grabbers with the NI Vision Acquisition Software driver.
2. Use LabVIEW to design, analyze, prototype and deploy vision applications quickly to NI Linux Real-Time embedded hardware or standard PCs

The OpenCV Utilities package provides:
1. Pre-built OpenCV binaries for Windows and NI Linux Real-Time
2. NI Vision Image format and OpenCV “Mat” datatypes interface (C++ files)
3. Interface between LabVIEW array and C++ array (C++ files)
4. Sample LabVIEW APIs to call OpenCV entry points
5. LabVIEW examples

System Requirements

The NI Vision OpenCV Utilities is installed using VI Package Manager (VIPM). Your host machine must use VIPM 2014 or above in order to install the package.

Required Software for Windows Application Development
Install the following software:

Required Software for NI Linux Real-Time Application Development
In addition to the above requirements for Windows Application Development, install the following software:

  • LabVIEW Real Time 2015 SP1

Recommended Software
It is recommended, but not required, to install the following software:

  • Vision Development Module 2015 SP1

You must use either Vision Acquisition Software or Vision Development Module if you are developing vision applications that use NI Vision algorithms such as Pattern Matching and Advanced Edge Detector. Vision Development Module 2015 SP1 is required for LabVIEW examples.

Getting Started

To install the NI Vision OpenCV Utilities, you can download the software.

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