
FROM $ 2,065.00

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Software UseDescribes whether the software is suited for debugging, development, or deployment environments.
Delivery MethodThis software can be downloaded from or delivered to you on physical media.
Supported OSThe operating systems that are natively compatible with this product.
Real-Time OS, Windows
License TermSpecifies software access duration. NI offers subscription software licenses that automatically renew. Some software is available as perpetual licenses, which include permanent access.
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1 Year
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VeriStand helps you validate hardware and perform embedded software test for hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) applications.

VeriStand is application software that you can use to configure I/O channels, data logging, stimulus generation, and host communication for NI real-time hardware. You can use VeriStand for real-time test applications, such as stimulus generation, data acquisition, and calculated channels and custom channel scaling. This software also helps you import simulation models and control algorithms, respond to events with configurable alarms, and enable test automation with macro recording, TestStand, .NET, and other software. Additionally, you can interact with and monitor application data, alarm states, and system execution metrics using a run-time editable user interface. Although programming knowledge is not required to use VeriStand, you also can use a variety of software environments such as LabVIEW, ANSI C/C++, Python, and ASAM XIL to add custom functionality.


  • Software embarcado de teste, incluindo o teste hardware-in-the-loop.
  • Validação da integração do sistema, incluindo Iron Birds.
  • Execução de testes de sistemas físicos baseados em modelo.

Part Number(s): 781066-35WM | 781066-35 | 788373-35WM | 788373-35 | 780590-35WM | 780590-35 | 788367-35WM | 788367-35 | 781067-35 | 781067-35WM

Subscriptions and NI software services will automatically renew at the end of their terms at then-current prices. I understand that I can cancel my subscription or NI software service prior to each renewal date. Contact us with questions.