Pulsed RF Measurement Library 1.3 Readme

March 2023

This file contains information about the Pulsed RF Measurement Library, including system requirements and installation instructions.

You can find more release information on ni.com.


Included Components

System Requirements

Required Software

Installation Instructions

Accessing the VIs

Accessing the C API

Accessing the Calibration Kit SNP File Creator Tool

Product Security and Critical Updates

Supported Hardware

Accessing the Help

Finding Examples

Automating the Installation of NI Products

Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10


The Pulsed RF Measurement Library is a component of the Electronically Scanned Array Characterization Reference Architecture that includes configuration and measurement functions for S-parameter, pulse stability, pulse profile, and power-added efficiency (PAE) measurements. The Pulsed RF Measurement Library also contains interactive panels for benchtop characterization and programming examples that serve as a template for building automated applications for testing power amplifiers and transmit-receive modules.

Included Components

The Pulsed RF Measurement Library includes the following major components:

  • A software library of configuration and measurement VIs
  • Interactive examples that enable benchtop characterization of DUTs
  • Programming examples that serve as a template for building automated test applications

System Requirements

The Pulsed RF Measurement Library 1.3 has the following requirements:

  • Intel Xeon quad-core processor
  • At least 512 GB of disk space
  • At least 16 GB/s controller bandwidth
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 64-bit version of Windows 10 (version 1903)

Refer to the LabVIEW Readme for additional system requirements and supported operating systems.

Required Software

The Pulsed RF Measurement Library 1.3 requires the following software versions.

Software Versions Supported by Pulsed RF Measurement Library 1.3
LabVIEW (64-bit) 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

Installation Instructions

Download the Pulsed RF Measurement Library installer from ni.com/downloads. NI software includes NI Package Manager to handle the installation. Refer to the NI Package Manager Documentation for more information about installing, removing, and upgrading NI software using Package Manager.

Use the serial number that is included with your software to activate the Pulsed RF Measurement Library. For more information on activating the Pulsed RF Measurement Library, refer to Activating a Product.

Accessing the VIs

Pulsed RF Measurement Library VIs are available from the <LabVIEW Dir>\vi.lib\addons\PRFMsc directory.

Accessing the C API

The header files, import libraries, and .dll that make up the C API are available from the <National Instruments>\PRFM Library\C Support directory.

Accessing the Calibration Kit SNP File Creator Tool

The Calibration Kit SNP File Creator executable is available from the <National Instruments>\PRFM Library directory. You can copy the executable to and run it from any location. You must have a 64-bit LabVIEW runtime engine version 2020 or later to run the Calibration Kit SNP File Creator tool.

Product Security and Critical Updates

Visit ni.com/security to view and subscribe to receive security notifications about NI products. For information about critical updates from NI, refer to Available Critical and Security Updates for NI Software.

Supported Hardware

For information on supported hardware, refer to the Hardware Overview section of the Electronically Scanned Array Characterization Reference Architecture User Manual.

Accessing the Help

Refer to the Electronically Scanned Array Characterization Reference Architecture User Manual, accessible from <National Instruments>\PRFM Library directory, for information about the Pulsed RF Measurement Library.

Finding Examples

Programming examples for the Pulsed RF Measurement Library are located in the labview\examples\PRFMsc directory. You can modify an example VI to fit an application, or you can copy and paste from one or more examples into a VI that you create.

Interactive panels for the Pulsed RF Measurement Library are located in the <National Instruments>\PRFM Library directory.

Automating the Installation of NI Products

You can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes.

If the NI product you are installing uses Microsoft .NET 4.6.2, the .NET installer may run before any NI software installs and may require a reboot before the installation of NI software begins. To avoid a .NET reboot, install .NET 4.6.2 separately before you install NI software.

For more information about automating the installation of NI products, refer to Automating an Installer in the NI Package Manager manual.

Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10

For more information about NI support for Windows 10, refer to NI Product Compatibility for Microsoft Windows 10.