本文件包含NI SystemLink的重要信息,包括系统要求和已知问题。
SystemLink将于2021年停止支持Windows 7(32位和64位)、Windows Server 2008 R2及所有32位Windows操作系统
使用NI SystemLink发现和管理服务器上的系统。创建程序包并将其部署到所有受管系统。利用SystemLink数据服务可视化数据、触发警报、监控测试、管理设备及通过服务器传输文件。SystemLink TDM是一种Big Analog Data™解决方案,用于自动化准备和分析来自不同地理位置、具有不同格式和结构的海量数据。
NI SystemLink的最低系统要求如下:
| Windows,少于50个节点 | Windows,多于50个节点,SystemLink TDM |
操作系统 | Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2(64位)1 Windows 7 SP1(64位)或更高 | Windows Server 2016 Windows Server 2012 R2(64位)1 Windows 7 SP1(64位)或更高 |
处理器 | 推荐4核或更高 | 推荐8核或更高 |
RAM | 16 GB,最小值 32 GB以上,推荐 | 32 GB,最小值 64 GB以上,推荐 |
磁盘 | 6 GB,最小值 8 GB以上,推荐 | 16 GB以上,推荐 |
1 NI软件将安装VC2015运行引擎和.NET 4.6.2。Windows 8.1和Windows Server 2012 R2需要Microsoft更新才能支持这些项。关于安装这些更新的详细信息,请参考Microsoft KB2919442和KB2919355。
注:关于未来操作系统支持的详细信息,见SystemLink在2021年停止支持Windows 7(32位和64位)、Windows Server 2008 R2和所有32位Windows操作系统。
注:SystemLink TDM不支持Microsoft Semi-Annual Channel的服务器版本。此外,SystemLink TDM不支持Windows Server Core模式。
| NI PXI (Windows)或Windows PC | NI CompactRIO |
操作系统 | Windows 7 SP1(64位)或更高 Windows 7 SP1(32位)或更高 | NI Linux Real-Time 2019 |
处理器 | 奔腾4 G1(或同等)或更高版本 | 支持所有Intel和ARM型号 |
RAM | 2 GB,最小值 4 GB,推荐 | 512 MB,最小值 1 GB以上,推荐 |
磁盘 | 1 GB,最小值 2 GB以上,推荐 | 512 MB |
注: 不支持VxWorks和Phar Lap OS。
注: NI SystemLink 19.6 Web应用程序不支持Internet Explorer。
NI SystemLink 19.6支持以下LabVIEW版本:
SystemLink TDM支持以下版本的DIAdem用作客户端:
如在激活NI SystemLink Server前试用软件,则在系统管理器中,任意连接的客户端最初均显示为“未激活”。激活NI SystemLink Server后,使用NI SystemLink Web应用程序激活客户端。
ID | 已修正的问题 |
956208 | TestStand plugin crash during result processing due to invalid pointer. |
205481 | Asset Module allows users without create, modify, and delete permissions to modify assets since the action buttons are not disabled. |
206113 | Systems grid displays an icon for a system with an active custom alarm but it does not display the active alarms when you click it. |
206327 | Storing utilization data on a client is not limited to 30 days. |
209939 | Step names with HTML cause Chrome to render the HTML. |
217374 | All notebook reports break after upgrading the server if SystemLink Client is installed. |
218625 | OPC client fails to start after one year. |
315377 | Asset Management services tracks utilization data for assets not present in the system. |
466037 | Clicking full screen for the Asset Manager dashboard does nothing. |
579681 | Jobs History UI view crashes if some migrated jobs do not contain configuration information or metadata. |
897324 | When creating a Linux state, you must disable the Products Only filter. |
898076 | Create Test Result VI does not return an error for server connection issues. |
899707 | The Parametric Data view uniformly treats measurement data with mixed data types as strings. |
916387 | Service Manager fails to start on locked down machines due to its use of SHA1 hashing. |
ID | 已修正的问题 |
952821 | MessageBus does not properly wrap all exception types when creating RabbitMQ channels. |
955323 | Trend queries do not include the originally selected step. |
955822 | Selecting multiple step paths from the Parametric Data View results in incorrect step queries. |
956202 | Store and forward fallback logic for TestStand plugin allows errors through in some cases during execution start. |
956208 | TestStand plugin crash during result processing due to invalid pointer. |
959701 | MessageBus configuration returns an error after changing registration status between executions. |
ID | 已修正的问题 |
950454 | SystemLink OPC UA tags stop updating if network connections to server is reconnected. |
964383 | Parametric data viewer shows no data for steps updated with new measurements after step creation. |
ID | 已修正的问题 |
973762 | A malformed Dynamic Linq query of assets will always return 'An unknown error occurred' instead of a description of the error in the query. |
973764 | If the network connection between SystemLink and an OPC UA server is interrupted and then restored, monitored tags stop updating with new values. |
973765 | The trend view of a single selected step displays no data points. If a user selects a single result of a uniquely named step, the resulting graph will be blank. |
973772 | There is a memory leak in the Jupyter notebook execution service. |
973773 | Dynamic Linq queries for list properties that do not contain a specific value will also return values that have a null value for that property. |
973774 | When at least one Windows and one NI Linux Real-Time client are selected and the system images page is open, the page may hang and timeout before a list of images can be returned. |
1032217 | SaltStack security vulnerabilities CVE-2020-11651, CVE-2020-11652. |
如要了解NI SystemLink的更多信息,请访问ni.com查看NI SystemLink手册。
Microsoft Windows 10是最新版本的Windows操作系统,与早期版本相比有重大改进。Windows 10引入了多种全新功能,并融合了Windows 7和Windows 8的特色。关于NI支持Windows 10的详细信息,请访问ni.com/windows10。
在Microsoft Windows 8.1上安装NI软件时,应用视图上会增加一些磁贴,作为指向NI LabVIEW、Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX)和NI启动器等NI应用程序的快捷方式。关于NI支持Windows 8.1的详细信息,请访问ni.com/windows8。
SystemLink将于2021年起停止支持Windows 7(32位和64位)、Windows Server 2008 R2及所有32位Windows操作系统。本产品在2021年5月1日以后发行的版本可能无法在这些操作系统上正常安装和运行。关于NI操作系统支持的详细信息,请访问ni.com/r/win32bitsupport。
产品 | 信息代码 |
LabVIEW | lifecycle |
LabWindows/CVI | cvi_lifecycle |
Measurement Studio | mstudiolifecycle |
TestStand | tslcp |
DIAdem | ddlcp |
SignalExpress | selcp |
VeriStand | nivslifecycle |
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Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
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