May 2017
This file contains release notes, patent information, and last-minute information for NI-488.2 for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 17.0. Some information in this file may be too recent to be included in the official documentation set.
This readme contains the following main sections:
This driver version is recommended for use with the following National Instruments software:
NI-488.2 for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 17.0, supports the following GPIB interfaces:
NI-488.2 for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 17.0, adds support for LabVIEW Real-Time 2017.
NI-488.2 for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 16.0, adds support for LabVIEW Real-Time 2016.
Issues resolved in NI-488.2 15.0.1 were ported to the NI-488.2 for LabVIEW Real-Time, Version 15.5 release.
547340: GPIB ports may not be reported in NI MAX, Web Configuration, and System Configuration API with NI-488.2 15.0.0.
The configuration experience in MAX has been updated to improve consistency with other NI products. Self-Test has also been added for GPIB interfaces.
GPIB interfaces are now fully configurable through the NI Web Configuration interface. Self-Test has also been added.
121091: Calling ibonl when a board level ibwait is in progress could result in application crash.
121181: A deadlock might occur when attempting to use a board handle with pending ibonl call on another thread.
122997: The EOIP status bit could remain set incorrectly if an ibwrta or ibrda call returned an EDVR error.
205182: Asynchronous transfers could sometimes report EABO even though the transfer completed successfully.
405414: In some cases the DCAS bit was not correctly cleared after being reported, causing it to be reported with subsequent calls.
NI-488.2 versions are now aligned with the versions of major NI application software products. This alignment gives you information about the year the driver was released and the most recent software version the driver was designed to work with. Driver versions now start with a two-digit year indicator: <ProductName><Year-BasedVersion>. The last version released under the old numbering scheme was NI-488.2 3.1.2. The first version released under the new numbering scheme was NI-488.2 14.0.
Thank you for your interest in NI-488.2 for LabVIEW Real-Time. We appreciate communicating with the people who use our products. We are also very interested in hearing about the applications you develop using our products. Our Web site,, provides advanced support and services and contact information.
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