January 2019
This file contains information on DIAdem 2018 SP 1:
Notes on Future DIAdem Versions
Compatibility of DIAdem 2018 and DIAdem 2017
Product Security and Critical Updates
Automating the Installation of NI Products
Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 10
Using NI Software with Microsoft Windows 8.1
DIAdem is the National Instruments software for analyzing and documenting data from various sources.
For correct DIAdem performance, the following minimum requirements must be met:
CPU | x64 compatible processor, 1.6 GHz or more |
Amount of memory | 2 GB or more |
Hard disk memory | Depending on the operating system, up to 3 GB free storage space, of which at least 2 GB are on the system partition |
Video card | Color depth at least 16-bit (High Color), 24-bit, or 32-bit (True Color) recommended |
Screen resolution | From 1024x768 with a 100% scaling step |
Windows 10 64-bit1
Windows 8.1 Update 1 64-bit1
Windows 7 64-bit with Service Pack 12
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 R2 Update1
Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 12
Note | National Instruments recommends the use of the NI Analysis Server for the automatic evaluation on server operating systems instead of DIAdem. |
1 NI software installs VC2015 runtime and .NET 4.6.2. Windows 8.1 requires Microsoft updates to support these software products. Refer to Microsoft KB2919442 and KB2919355 for more information about how to install these updates.
2 NI software is signed with an SHA-256 certificate. Under Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1 Microsoft updates are required for the support of SHA-256. Refer to Microsoft KB3033929 for more information about how to install this security update.
Note | DIAdem runs only with restrictions on the N or KN edition of Windows because the multimedia support is missing. You can obtain this as "Media Feature Pack" from Microsoft and install it later. Under Windows Server 2012 R2 you cannot play videos in DIAdem VIEW. |
Firewall | The firewall displays warnings while DIAdem installs and while DIAdem launches, for the following reasons: The usireg component executes during the installation of DataPlugins. The DataFinder, which you use for searching and navigating in files, then starts. When DIAdem launches, a DNS query determines whether to license locally or whether to use a license server. If you want to be able to use all the DIAdem functions, National Instruments recommends that you select "Do not block" for all programs listed. This also applies when you want to evaluate DIAdem. Refer to ni.com/info under the info code winxpsp2 for more information. |
Windows User Permissions | DIAdem and its components are basically executable under the pre-configured Microsoft Windows user accounts from User upwards. DIAdem must be installed with complete administrator permissions. If you operate various DIAdem versions on one computer, you only have the entire range of functions in each version if you have administrator permissions. |
- Adobe Reader to display manual files
Driver | Components | Version |
ADCS | Automotive Diagnostic Command Set | >= 18.0 |
DAQmx driver | NI-DAQmx | >= 9.4 |
ECU MC | ECU Measurement and Calibration Toolkit | >= 18.0 |
XNET | NI-XNET | >= 15.0 |
Very old commands and variables, which have been replaced by new technologies, are marked as obsolete in DIAdem. This means that these commands and variables are no longer supported in one of the upcoming DIAdem versions. On the DIAdem help page DIAdem»Searching for Obsolete Commands and Variables you can find a script which checks your scripts for obsolete identifiers.
If you install an earlier DIAdem version after you have installed the current DIAdem version, the PDF export of the earlier version might not function correctly. You can solve the issue by copying the files acfpdf*.* and cdintf*.dll from the current DIAdem program folder into the program folder of the earlier DIAdem version.
Installing DIAdem 2018 and DataFinder Server Edition 2015 or 2017 on the same computer might lead to DataFinder Server Edition 2015 or DataFinder Server Edition 2017 becoming inoperable.
If you have a parallel installation of DIAdem 2018 and DIAdem 2017, you cannot, in DIAdem 2017, use the DataFinder hierarchy preview, which you open in DIAdem SCRIPT through “Settings”TDM Server->DataFinder Hierarchy”.
From version 2018, DIAdem imports by default VBS DataPlugins in encrypted form. You can only import and then process a DataPlugin unencrypted if you select Import DataPlugin in the DataPlugin Settings dialog box.
The images you use in the Picture for Tree SUD property must have a minimum size of 16*16 pixels.
You cannot use VIs that require .NET assemblies from DIAdem through the LVRuntime object.
Visit ni.com/security to view and subscribe in order to receive security notifications about National Instruments products. Visit ni.com/critical-updates for information about critical updates from National Instruments.
Analysis Server scripts provide new properties and methods for using the SystemLink File Viewer and SystemLink Tag Viewer.
699874 | DIAdem cuts off very long error messages. |
716108 | The example data in the DataPlugin help is incomplete. |
Data Portal
684997 | You cannot copy channels to an external editor if you select the channel group for copying. |
699676 | DIAdem calculates inaccurate step widths for an explicit waveform channel if the numeric values consist of a large number of digits before and after the decimal point. |
371329 | An error occurs if you open a file with a single quotation mark in the filename with the Excel DataPlugin Wizard. |
591496 | If you load several tests from a dataset into an empty portal with appended loading, DIAdem loads all tests instead of appending the channels from the second test to the channels of the first test. |
627286 | In MME Export, the leading point is missing from the property identifiers. |
701980 | DIAdem may crash in certain cases when displaying contours. |
720588 | In the legend you can only display the distance between the upper and lower cursor for the leading curve, but not for other curves. |
720589 | If DIAdem displays several curves, the small cross for the second band is missing when using the band cursor in combination with the curve cursor. |
712356 | If you select a large value for the overlap of the time intervals in the FFT with one time signal, the calculation is only possible for the first call. |
718697 | The ChnFullSpectrum command with the setting "FullSpectrumIntervalType=NoOfIntervals" may cause an access violation. |
719735 | The result properties generated by the approximation are only partially grouped. |
648883 | DIAdem does not align rotated texts correctly if the texts have different reference points. |
677505 | DIAdem does not correctly align the caption of a 3D color palette if the setting "Label on every nth symbol" does not have the value 1. |
701677 | In the 2D table dialog box, the entries "Automatic minimum" and "Automatic maximum" in the enumeration list of the table length are reversed. |
713275 | In the context menu "Add Curve Coordinates" of a curve, the texts "Absolute Maximum" and "Absolute Minimum" were reversed in the English and Japanese versions. |
715248 | The differential characteristic diagram of a 3D axis system displays wrong results for certain data. |
722249 | If you align the contents of multi-page 2D tables with the decimal point, the alignment is only correct on the first page of the table. |
722266 | If there are no contour lines in a characteristic diagram, DIAdem does not color the characteristic diagram. |
722286 | In 2D tables with horizontal alignment, DIAdem arranges the individual background colors of the heading in the wrong order. |
722954 | If you rotate an characteristic diagram in the xy-view around the z-axis, the isolines disappear. |
710013 | The OPC UA driver cannot establish a connection to an OPC UA server if the URL of the server does not match the URL stored in the certificate of the OPC UA server. |
711082 | The calibration measurement in the "Two-point scaling” block leads to an error. |
708698 | The functions ChnEventOperationAND, ChnEventOperationOR, and ChnEventFind in formulas with AND or OR can trigger a runtime error if very long result lists are used. |
The following items are the IDs and titles of a subset of issues fixed in DIAdem 2018. This is not an exhaustive list of issues fixed in the current version. If you have a CAR ID, you can search this list to validate that the issue has been fixed. The DIAdem Knowledgebase contains a list of fixed issues from earlier DIAdem versions under the search term Fixed Issues.
CAR ID | Description |
636620 | The example "Checking DataPlugins for Timeout” might lead to an error. |
641015 | Calling a script with the key combination shift and function key might only be possible once. |
647079 | The dialog box “Exit DIAdem” does not recognize that changed data files must be saved in TDMS format. |
Data Portal
540302 | When values are copied from a channel into an empty channel, the target channel receives the name of the source channel. |
524528 | When values of properties are being searched for on several levels of a data store, for example AOP5, the button "Automatically determine property columns from search” is enabled by default. |
637677 | The Bus Log Converter does not support more than seven databases. |
639560 | The Bus Log Converter scales the time stamp of GIN multi-loggers incorrectly. |
646570 | The channel names created in a Japanese version by the DataPlugin Wizard are incorrect. |
647966 | If you click the “Reset” button in the Bus Log Converter dialog box, DIAdem enters duplicate entries in the “File type” selection field. |
661065 | DIAdem does not include files that are not in the list of recently loaded files. |
661495 | Converting with the Bus Log Converter has become slower. |
678864 | Loading result columns from a search returns incorrect values when the first values in the column are NoValues. |
680154 | If you save data with waveform channels as an Excel file in DIAdem, DIAdem only generates a time channel for the first waveform channel, even if the other waveform channels do not have the same values for step width and offset. |
680953 | If you configure the Bus Log Converter so that DIAdem converts MDF4 files automatically, DIAdem crashes during interactive conversion after you have converted a file with drag and drop. |
687217 | The Bus Log Converter does not support ID 0 in Vector ASCII files. |
690246 | When DIAdem loads LVM files, the time channels might be incorrect. |
691684 | DIAdem cannot load TDMS files when the filename extension was changed, for example, from ".tdms" to ".abc". |
696506 | DIAdem cannot open TDMS files containing empty channels with scaling information. |
696962 | When converting CAN FD frames from Vector BLF files, you receive wrong signals. |
641698 | DIAdem might truncate the cascade displays on the right edge. |
653748 | The synchronization of videos with the cursor might not work properly. |
677011 | The legend properties CursorX2 and CursorY2 do not display the values of the second band cursor or second frame cursor. |
683279 | The contour display might not display horizontal and vertical sections through the data. |
683685 | The VIEW table might be empty after a layout is transferred to REPORT. |
697987 | You cannot create and include a user dialog box from a template. |
698282 | When a cascade is zoomed, DIAdem displays the label channel incorrectly. |
698293 | DIAdem does not save the label channel of a cascade display. |
540722 | With certain setting the dialog box “Reducing Classification” does not work correctly. |
639569 | If you assign a value determined with the function ChnFind to a variable, DIAdem reports a syntax error. |
660741 | The compound classification returns incorrect values when the input channels contain NoValues. |
666356 | DIAdem writes the results of the statistical functions coefficient of variation and relative coefficient of variation into the same channel property. |
666387 | In the calculator, you cannot assign values to the properties of known objects, such as the Data object. |
671419 | It might not be possible to open the event search dialog box if there is either no data set or a different data set was loaded and you previously used the event search via the dialog box. |
678627 | The XOffsetCalc command returns incorrect results for XOffsetDeltaN when the time channel does not start with the value 0. |
684146 | If you change the property names for statistical parameters in a Data Preprocessor configuration, DIAdem also applies these changes to the mathematical function"Descriptive Statistics" after the simulation. |
689984 | The dialog box for rounding channel values does not display the calculated error. |
608824 | The graphic export of maps with many interpolation points might lead to an error. |
638927 | If you deactivate the first curve in a 2D axis system and select the "N systems" setting for the axis position, DIAdem displays the remaining curves incorrectly. |
639567 | For the 3D curve type "Isolines", you cannot select the "Same color as curve" setting for labeling the contours. |
639845 | In automatically expanding 2D tables, DIAdem displays the heading field too large. |
639848 | If the setting "Automatic row height" is selected for the "table length" of a 2D table, DIAdem displays the texts with too little space to the table border. |
642850 | With certain scaling settings, automatic Y-axis scaling in a 2D axis system can result in an enlarged scaling range when being updated. |
643639 | DIAdem reports an error if the method "MoveToForeground" is not executed on the active page. |
646806 | The display of many curves in a 2D axis system may lead DIAdem to crash. |
648622 | If the DIAdem setting "Print all pages with expanding tables completely" is enabled and the worksheet with the table is not open when exported as a PDF file, DIAdem reports an error and does not create a PDF file. |
648740 | If you copy and paste grouped objects and then group these group, DIAdem might crash. |
652732 | The alignment of several 2D axis systems does not function correctly if the "N systems" setting was set for at least one of these 2D axis systems as the "Axis position". |
653725 | The Diagram Wizard generates an error in scaled layouts. |
657060 | An error may occur when the Diagram Wizard is being used. |
661867 | In some cases, DIAdem does not position the curve of a 2D axis system with the scaling mode “Range and ticks manual” in the center of the axis system. |
665648 | In DIAdem REPORT you can only align main objects with each other. |
665890 | DIAdem calculates the tick distance in a 2D axis system incorrectly if this axis system contains several constants and the last constant is outside the scale. |
668866 | When adding 4D or 6D vector curves in a 3D axis system, an error occurs when you change the second or third vector end point. |
669874 | In a 2D table, the dividing line between the columns and the headings cannot be changed interactively if you have set the scaling to "Automatically increasing" or "Automatic row height". |
670718 | DIAdem does not always export dashed lines correctly to a PDF file. |
675224 | You cannot rename a text object through the context menu. |
679093 | DIAdem exports non-printable pages when exporting to PowerPoint. |
679615 | DIAdem does not save the changed column order of a 2D table. |
683083 | The PowerPoint export does not export graphics in portrait format. |
688604 | The "OnPicUpdateStart" event can lead to access violation under certain circumstances. |
692045 | If a 2D table contains text with line breaks and you reduce the size of the DIAdem window substantially, DIAdem can no longer export graphics. |
692471 | In some cases, a differential characteristic diagram shows incorrect values at the edges. |
697843 | If DIAdem cannot find the channel for labeling the curve points, DIAdem uses the y-channel as the labeling channel. |
638118 | It is not possible to change the case when renaming a block. |
644036 | A block diagram, which operates two output blocks with a driver and a system clock in the foreground and in the interrupt mode, might crash during the measurement. |
645130 | Counter measurement with the NI-DAQmx driver lead to inaccurate results. |
648824 | When the DAC dialog box “Save Data” is opened when the setting “The capacity of the storage medium determines the end of the measurement” is enabled, an error occurs. |
686310 | In some cases DIAdem calculates the maximum possible sampling rate incorrectly when measuring with the NI-DAQMX driver in hardware clock. |
695728 | The script driver does not find a script file if the file name contains additional dots in addition to the file name extension. |
626576 | The DIAdem script debugger does not work if you place a breakpoint directly after the MsgBox or the InputBox command. |
641235 | With the ECU driver it is not possible to assign values to ECU properties with a script. |
647020 | Deleting a large number of channels with the Data.Remove method may be slow if there are many channels in the Data Portal. |
651270 | You cannot load text searches in the configuration dialog box of the Analysis Server Procedure. |
652675 | The TextToClipBoard command can block actions with the clipboard if the clipboard does not contain any texts. |
653821 | If you edit a file in the script editor that is stored on a slow network drive, there may be delays in displaying the characters you have just entered. |
660751 | The FileCopy command only ends the copy process after the second manual abort. |
662217 | The value of the channel property "implicit_start" of an implicit time channel is not a vbDate data type. |
663653 | When processing the values of the property "Properties <Data>" with the DataTypeFloat32 data type, DIAdem includes too many decimal places. |
670754 | The Activate for Sheet method also automatically opens the DIAdem REPORT panel. |
676812 | The execution of the property Navigator.Display.CurrDataStore.GetDataStore.RootElements.Count leads to a crash of DIAdem when only the “Computer” data store is enabled. |
678209 | DIAdem does not replace the channel names of CSV files in a Data Preprocessor configuration via “Replace property values” when these files use a DataPlugin that supports row-based reading of the data. |
679534 | If you set columns with special control characters as fixed replacement pattern in the dialog box “Replace Property Values»Edit Rule” in the configuration of the Data Preprocessor, the dialog box will crash. |
679681 | The command ChnGenTime cannot create a constant time channel. |
688527 | The Analysis Server does not support the ExportToPowerPoint for Sheets method. |
692781 | If you use the command DataFileSave with the storage method "CSV_EXPORT", a memory leak occurs. |
For more information on DIAdem, go to the DIAdem help Help»Contents.
Use Help»Examples in DIAdem to start the DIAdem ExampleFinder. You can find DIAdem examples in the examples directory below the program directory. You can modify examples to suit your needs, or you can copy and paste parts of the examples into your own files.
You can automate the installation of most NI products using command-line arguments to suppress some or all of the installer user interface and dialog boxes. However, starting with the August 2012 releases (products using NI Installers version 3.1 or later), you may need to perform additional steps before or during a silent installation of NI software.
If the NI product you are installing uses Microsoft .NET 4.6.2, the .NET installer may run before any NI software installs and may require a reboot before the installation of NI software begins. To avoid a .NET reboot, install .NET 4.6.2 separately before you install NI software.
For more information, refer to the following KnowledgeBase articles:
Microsoft Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows operating system. Windows 10 features significant changes compared to previous versions. Windows 10 combines features from both Windows 7 and Windows 8. Moreover, the operating system introduces several new capabilities. For more information about NI support for Windows 10, visit ni.com/windows10.
When you install NI software on Microsoft Windows 8.1, you will notice a few additional tiles in the Apps view, including shortcuts to NI application software products such as NI LabVIEW, Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX), and NI Launcher. For more information about NI support for Windows 8.1, visit ni.com/windows8.
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Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.
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