本文包含用于Windows的LabVIEW 2017 SP1的重要信息,包括系统要求、安装指南、新增功能、已知问题,以及LabVIEW 2017 SP1部分已修复问题的列表。
在Microsoft Windows 10中使用NI软件的方法
在Microsoft Windows 8.1中使用NI软件的方法
LabVIEW 2017 SP1要求如下:
Windows | 运行引擎 | 开发环境 |
处理器1 | Pentium 4M/Celeron 866 MHz(或同等性能)/更高主频的处理器(32位) Pentium 4 G1(或同等性能)/更高主频的处理器(64位) | Pentium 4M(或同等性能)/更高主频的处理器(32位) Pentium 4 G1(或同等性能)/更高主频的处理器(64位) |
RAM | 256 MB | 1 GB |
屏幕分辨率 | 1024 x 768像素 | 1024 x 768像素 |
操作系统 | Windows 10 (1703版)/8.12/7 SP13 Windows Server 2012 R22(64位) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP13(64位) | Windows 10 (1703版)/8.12/7 SP13 Windows Server 2012 R22(64位) Windows Server 2008 R2 SP13(64位) |
磁盘空间 | 620 MB | 5 GB(包括默认驱动程序) |
颜色选板 | N/A | LabVIEW和LabVIEW帮助包含16位彩色图形。LabVIEW至少需要16位彩色配置。 |
临时文件目录 | N/A | LabVIEW使用专用目录存放临时文件。NI建议预留数兆字节的磁盘空间存放临时文件。 |
Adobe Reader | N/A | 如需搜索PDF格式的LabVIEW用户手册,必须安装Adobe Reader。 |
1 LabVIEW和LabVIEW运行引擎需要Pentium 4M/G1或更高版本的处理器,这些处理器能够执行SSE2指令。 2 NI软件会安装VC2015运行引擎和.NET 4.6.2。Windows 8.1和Windows Server 2012 R2需要Microsoft更新才能支持这些项。关于如何安装这些更新的详细信息,请参考Microsoft KB2919442和KB2919355。 3 NI软件使用SHA-256证书签名。Windows 7 SP1、Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1和Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1需要Microsoft更新才能支持SHA-256。关于如何安装该安全更新的详细信息,请参考Microsoft KB3033929。 |
将以前版本的LabVIEW升级为最新版本?如需在保留原有VI和项目的基础上安装LabVIEW新版本、查看升级和兼容性问题,以及了解LabVIEW 2017新增功能的完整列表,请参考LabVIEW升级说明。
注:从2017开始,LabVIEW支持LabVIEW运行引擎的向后兼容性。LabVIEW 2017以后的版本可加载LabVIEW 2017创建的二进制文件及VI,无需重新编译。该改进适用于独立应用程序(EXE)、共享库(DLL)以及打包项目库。
在LabVIEW 2017 SP1中,自适应VI可针对输入类进行调整。自适应VI调用类A的方法a,假设有另一个类有和A同名的公共方法、连线板模式、接线端方向,那么自适应VI也能接受该类作为输入端。自适应VI将对类A方法的调用替换为对输入类中公共方法(如有)的调用,从而实现自适应输入类。
关于使用自适应VI定义方法调用接口的范例,见labview\examples\Malleable VIs\Class Adaptation\Malleable VIs - Class Adaptation.lvproj。
使用LabVIEW开发平台安装盘安装LabVIEW 2017 SP1(32位、64位)支持的模块和工具包。在64位Windows上运行时,LabVIEW(64位)可访问的内存比32位操作系统或32位应用程序更多。LabVIEW(64位)仅支持英语。
关于LabVIEW 2017 SP1(64位)的驱动程序兼容信息,请访问NI网站。对于GPIB设备,驱动程序必须是用于Windows平台的NI-488.2 2.6或更高版本。关于硬件设备与LabVIEW(64位)兼容性的详细信息,请参考具体硬件的说明文档。
LabVIEW 2017 SP1(64位)仅支持部分模块和工具包。以下列表比较了LabVIEW(32位)和了LabVIEW(64位)支持的模块和工具包。
产品 | LabVIEW 2017 SP1(32位) | LabVIEW 2017 SP1(64位) |
Advanced Signal Processing工具包 | ✓ | — |
Control Design and Simulation模块 | ✓ | ✓1 |
Database Connectivity工具包 | ✓ | — |
DataFinder工具包 | ✓ | — |
Datalogging and Supervisory Control模块 | ✓ | — |
用于Windows的Desktop Execution Trace工具包 | ✓ | ✓ |
Digital Filter Design工具包 | ✓ | — |
FPGA模块 | ✓ | — |
MathScript RT模块 | ✓ | ✓2 |
Report Generation工具包 - 用于Microsoft Office | ✓ | ✓ |
Real-Time模块 | ✓ | — |
Robotics模块 | ✓ | — |
SoftMotion模块 | ✓ | — |
Statechart模块 | ✓ | — |
Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite | ✓ | ✓ |
Unit Test Framework工具包 | ✓ | ✓ |
VI Analyzer工具包 | ✓ | ✓ |
Vision Development模块 | ✓ | ✓ |
1 Control Design and Simulation模块(64位)不支持System Identification VI、System Identification Assistant、Control Design Assistant以及实时终端。 2 MathScript RT模块(64位)不支持MathScript RT模块函数的库类。 |
您可通过网络查看软件和文档的已知问题列表。关于LabVIEW 2017和LabVIEW 2017 SP1已知问题记录的最新列表,请访问NI网站。
下面是在LabVIEW 2017 SP1中修正的部分错误的ID和标题。错误列表并未包含当前版本LabVIEW中修正的全部错误。如已知CAR ID,可在表中搜索该问题是否已修正。
ID | 已修正的问题 |
604133 | LabVIEW can crash when executing a Value (Signaling) property on a generic subpanel reference. |
607006 | Changed click behavior with Windows 10, version 1607. |
607329 | Merged signals do not have correct names in output file of Write to Measurement File express VI. |
608412 | In some cases, attempting to plot multiple large datasets on an XY graph can result in LabVIEW hanging. |
618044 | In rare cases, updating a type definition file may cause instances of the typedef to revert to default data. |
620145 | Using a Formula Node with a large number of equations can cause LabVIEW to crash. |
622429 | On the first execution of LabVIEW, using the Edit Tree Items: Move Item method causes a crash. |
627910 | Large projects may have extended save times. |
637096 | LabVIEW-built applications can have DPI scaling issues. |
639416 | LabVIEW-built assemblies with array parameters cannot be called from Visual Studio. |
639842 | Occasional crashes on real-time targets, exception code 0x661. |
640139 | Updating a type definition that is used in dynamic event registration leads to incorrect behavior. |
640344 | A Stream channel writer can be wired to a Lossy Stream channel writer without breaking the wire. |
640873 | Callers of malleable VIs will sometimes show a document modification and prompt to save when the VI has not changed. |
649615 | Dragging a node with a channel wire connection into or out of a structure can rewire incorrectly. |
649837 | Crash using Actor Framework Message Maker after first message creation fails because of an already-existing file on disk. |
649952 | In very rare situations, LabVIEW can crash while unflattening data. |
650556 | Message Channel acks can unblock improperly. |
651326 | Double-clicking a reentrant subVI in LabVIEW 2017 always opens the master VI, never the clone. |
653033 | In certain cases, updating a numeric member of a cluster will not update the cluster. |
653897 | Make LabVIEW more robust when presented with corrupted resource files. |
654700 | Read-only DVR can occasionally return the wrong value. |
654714 | Scripted channel endpoint VIs show up on the Recent Files list in the Getting Started Window. |
656295 | In some cases, using the Alignment tool on wires can cause a LabVIEW crash. |
656516 | Some VIs that are runnable in LabVIEW 2015 and earlier will report broken in LabVIEW 2016 and later. |
657776 | Creating a VI for Data Member Access can crash LabVIEW. |
658033 | In the Rearrange Cases dialog for Event Structure frames, the "Sort" button doesn't sort alphabetically. |
658387 | Sometimes a terminal with a coercion dot will be displayed as the wrong data type in Context Help. |
658923 | Custom Probes for LabVIEW classes have erratic block diagram behavior when live drag is enabled. |
660055 | Comparison primitives with waveform as input in "Compare Aggregate" mode can cause a LabVIEW crash at runtime. |
关于LabVIEW 2017 SP1的详细信息,请在LabVIEW中单击帮助»LabVIEW帮助,查看LabVIEW帮助。
如待安装的NI产品依赖于Microsoft .NET 4.6.2,则安装NI软件之前,.NET安装程序会首先启动并在完成后提示重启。为了避免重启计算机,建议在安装NI软件之前单独安装.NET 4.6.2。
Microsoft Windows 10是最新版本的Windows操作系统,与早期版本相比有重大改进。Windows 10引入了多种全新功能,并融合了Windows 7和Windows 8的特色。关于NI支持Windows 10的详细信息,请访问ni.com/windows10。
在Microsoft Windows 8.1上安装NI软件时,应用视图上会增加一些磁贴,作为指向NI LabVIEW、Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX)和NI启动器等NI应用程序的快捷方式。关于NI支持Windows 8.1的详细信息,请访问ni.com/windows8。
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