LabVIEW 2016自述文件-适用于Windows


本文件包含适用于Windows的LabVIEW 2016的重要信息,包括系统要求、安装指南、适用于Windows的LabVIEW 2016已修复的部分问题列表,以及已知问题。





Microsoft Windows 7、Windows Vista、Windows XP和Windows Server 2003的NI软件支持


LabVIEW 2016(64位)







在Microsoft Windows 10中使用NI软件的方法

在Microsoft Windows 8.1中使用NI软件的方法



LabVIEW 2016要求如下:

Windows 运行引擎 开发环境
处理器 Pentium III/Celeron 866 MHz(或同等性能)/更高主频的处理器(32位)
Pentium 4 G1(或同等性能)/更高主频的处理器(64位)
Pentium 4M(或同等性能)/更高主频的处理器(32位)
Pentium 4 G1(或同等性能)/更高主频的处理器(64位)
RAM 256 MB 1 GB
屏幕分辨率 1024 x 768像素 1024 x 768像素
操作系统 Windows 10/8.11/7 SP12
Windows Server 2012 R21
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP12
Windows 10/8.11/7 SP12
Windows Server 2012 R21
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP12
磁盘空间 620 MB 5 GB(包括NI设备驱动程序光盘中的默认驱动程序)
颜色选板 N/A LabVIEW和LabVIEW帮助包含16位彩色图形。LabVIEW至少需要16位彩色配置。
临时文件目录 N/A LabVIEW使用专用目录存放临时文件。NI建议预留数兆字节的磁盘空间存放临时文件。
Adobe Reader N/A 如需搜索PDF格式的LabVIEW用户手册,必须安装Adobe Reader。
1NI软件安装VC2015运行引擎和.NET 4.6.1。Windows 8.1和Windows Server 2012 R2需要Microsoft更新才能支持这些项。关于如何安装这些更新的详细信息,请参考Microsoft KB2919442KB2919355

2NI软件使用SHA-256证书签名。Windows 7 SP1、Windows Embedded Standard 7 SP1和Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1需要Microsoft更新才能支持SHA-256。关于如何安装该安全更新的详细信息,请参考Microsoft KB3033929




  • LabVIEW 安装指南-LabVIEW、模块和工具包、驱动程序,以及硬件的安装方法。
  • LabVIEW升级说明-在保留原有VI和项目的基础上安装LabVIEW新版本的方法、升级和兼容性问题,以及LabVIEW 2016新增功能的完整列表。


  • 如启用Windows更新,安装过程可能会由于Windows更新和安装Microsoft Visual C++ 2015运行引擎的冲突而挂起。关于解决该问题的详细步骤,请访问并输入信息代码exjq43
  • 如已通过NI软件套件或NI产品包购买产品,请使用随附的安装光盘安装产品。

LabVIEW 2016不再支持Microsoft Windows 7 RTM、Windows Vista、Windows XP和Windows Server 2003

在该版本中,LabVIEW不再支持Microsoft Windows 7 RTM(无service pack)、Windows Vista、Windows XP和Windows Server 2003。LabVIEW 2016及后续版本无法在不支持的操作系统上安装或运行。如应用程序使用了LabVIEW 2016,也将无法部署或发布至不支持的操作系统。此外,在当前计算机上安装LabVIEW 2016后,使用任何版本的LabVIEW、LabWindows™/CVI™、NI TestStand™或Measurement Studio生成的安装程序,都无法在不支持的操作系统上运行。

关于2016操作系统支持的改动,请参考KB 79UC78LS Why Does my LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, Measurement Studio, or TestStand Built Installer Fail on Windows XP/Vista and Server 2003?



LabVIEW 2016(64位)

在64位Windows上运行时,LabVIEW 2016(64位)可访问的内存比32位操作系统或32位应用程序更多。LabVIEW 2016(64位)仅支持英语。


关于LabVIEW 2016(64位)的驱动程序兼容信息,请访问NI网站。对于GPIB设备,驱动程序必须是用于Windows平台的NI-488.2 2.6或更高版本。关于硬件设备与LabVIEW 2016(64位)兼容性的详细信息,请参考具体硬件的说明文档。


LabVIEW 2016(64位)仅支持部分模块和工具包。下表比较了LabVIEW开发平台安装光盘中支持的模块和工具包。

产品 LabVIEW 2016(32位) LabVIEW 2016(64位)
Advanced Signal Processing工具包
Control Design and Simulation模块
Database Connectivity工具包
Datalogging and Supervisory Control模块
用于Windows的Desktop Execution Trace工具包
Digital Filter Design工具包
MathScript RT模块
Report Generation工具包 - 用于Microsoft Office
Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite
Unit Test Framework工具包
VI Analyzer工具包
Vision Development模块
1Control Design and Simulation模块(64位)不支持System Identification VI、System Identification Assistant和Control Design Assistant。

2MathScript RT模块(64位)不支持MathScript RT模块函数的库类。

通过使用LabVIEW开发平台安装光盘,用户可安装LabVIEW 2016(32位)支持的模块和工具包。如需安装LabVIEW 2016(64位)支持的模块和工具包,请访问NI网站获取网络下载,或使用LabVIEW 2016(64位)安装光盘。关于获取LabVIEW 2016(64位)的详细信息,请访问NI网站



您可通过网络查看软件和文档的已知问题列表。关于LabVIEW 2016已知问题的最新列表,请访问NI网站


下面是在LabVIEW 2016中修正的部分错误的ID和标题。错误列表并未包含当前版本LabVIEW中修正的全部错误。如已知CAR的ID,可在列表中搜索该问题是否已修正。

ID Fixed Issue
333388 Incorrect highlight execution order with LVOOP property node
405304 Menu Item VIs can cause LabVIEW to crash
425622 Edit Events menu for Event Structures can delete the new event you are trying to create
434420 Leading zeros are not allowed in Numeric Case Selector values
463239 Resizing the front panel in an EXE and running Quit causes an access violation
468139 .NET Callback Event VI keeps the Callback VI reserved even after calling a Close Reference VI is called
518954 Unconstrained Downhill Simplex ignores some stopping conditions
519216 LabVIEW crash when closing subVI Icon Editor that was opened from VI Hierarchy
526175 Spreadsheet String to Array VI crashes when an empty string is wired to delimeter input
530595 Not a Refnum Primitive returns incorrect value when evaluating a specific type of "Invalid Refnum"
533890 lvinput.dll crashes on Surface Pro 3
534553 Quit LabVIEW function closes VI if you choose cancel
539895 File Dialog Express VI alters error chain
544435 1-D Array Probe Display Window has issues with high resolutions
544526 Fatal Internal Error 0x89B93EF0: "drawmgr2.cpp" when running Mac application for extended time
544533 Scripting dynamic events on an event structure returns Error 1
544907 Delaunay Triangulation hangs on certain input data
546555 Error 1025 when creating Override VI for an already open parent class
547120 Incorrect VI dataflow when using an Error Wire with a parallelized For Loop
548355 Running a VI using the 'DataSocket Select URL.VI', navigating to a remote machine on the network, and browsing to the DataSocket Server Item can cause LabVIEW to crash
549429 DAbort 0x34E86741 ConvertNum called with non-numeric
554381 Sort items in the Choose Implementation class dialog alphabetically
555317 In rare cases Waveform Charts can show different sets of data when pulling from the same source
555758 Using the 'Unflatten From String Function' to unflatten an "invalid" string within LabVIEW x64 can cause the computer to become unresponsive
555788 Using "Fast File Format" to build an executable could result in error 2208 in some cases
555868 Using the Tree Control 'Drag Starting? Event' allows you to Delete the reference to the item you are dragging and can result in a LabVIEW crash
561615 In specific cases, building a LabVIEW executable with shared variables causes Error 1003 during the build
564219 Sometimes if RFmx continuously modifies the loading state of the UI thread, a race condition can occur and potentially cause a crash
564417 Special characters in Control names can cause Unit Tests to not recognize cluster elements in some cases
567369 LabVIEW crashes when getting the properties of a class containing a member VI with certain connector pane configurations.
569362 In cases of extreme load on a TCP server, LabVIEW can miss new connection notifications, causing a timeout
569793 Rare persistent Error 56 at TCP Read
570547 Bluetooth Read, Write, and Close primitives have TCP icon
571421 In certain cases, dynamically calling a VI containing a SubVI can cause a memory leak. The size of the memory leak scales with the size of the SubVI and its dependencies
571556 Showing Visible Items on Waveform Chart probe does not resize chart in the probe window
571713 Scripting a Value Change event for an IVI Logical Name control crashes LabVIEW
571935 Closing a project library containing a class with unsaved changes does not prompt for save
573160 The German, Chinese, and Japanese LabVIEW registry files have the incorrect LabVIEW version
573195 If applications called from crash, it can affect LabVIEW TCP communication
573539 In some cases, DNS name resolution in LabVIEW can block other TCP calls
574048 Error 8 when trying to create an actor under an unsaved library
575278 Error 1019 when creating a message, if the actor contains a never-before-saved method
578899 LabVIEW 64-bit Development Environment has the potential to crash while running certain RFmx examples
580210 Remote debugging sessions that involve packed project libraries can stop unexpectedly
580212 Remote debugging VIs that were built without front panels can close the session unexpectedly
581199 Unflatten From String throws error 74, does not update indicators
585229 LabVIEW packed project library can cause calling executable to break when rebuilt


关于LabVIEW 2016的详细信息,请在LabVIEW中单击帮助»LabVIEW帮助,查看LabVIEW帮助



  • 如计算机已安装LabVIEW 2016,则由该计算机生成的安装程序(即使由旧版本LabVIEW生成)仅能在LabVIEW 2016支持的操作系统上运行。如需使安装程序能在旧版本LabVIEW支持而LabVIEW 2016不支持的操作系统上运行,生成该安装程序前必须首先卸载LabVIEW 2016,重新安装旧版本LabVIEW。





如待安装的NI产品依赖于Microsoft .NET 4.0,则安装NI软件之前,.NET安装程序会首先启动并在完成后提示重启。要避免上述情况,可在安装NI软件之前先单独安装.NET 4.0。


在Microsoft Windows 10中使用NI软件的方法

Microsoft Windows 10是最新版本的Windows操作系统,与早期版本相比有重大改进。Windows 10引入了多种全新功能,并融合了Windows 7和Windows 8的特色。关于NI支持Windows 10的详细信息,请访问

在Microsoft Windows 8.1中使用NI软件的方法

在Microsoft Windows 8.1上安装NI软件时,应用视图上会增加一些磁贴,作为指向NI LabVIEW、Measurement & Automation Explorer (NI MAX)和NI启动器等NI应用程序的快捷方式。关于NI支持Windows 8.1的详细信息,请访问



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  • <National Instruments>\_Legal Information<National Instruments>目录下有法律声明。
  • <National Instruments>\Shared\MDF\Legal\license目录下有最终用户许可协议。
  • 关于NI产品生成安装程序的法律信息,请参考<National Instruments>\_Legal Information.txt



IVI Foundation版权声明

Content from the IVI specifications reproduced with permission from the IVI Foundation.

The IVI Foundation and its member companies make no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The IVI Foundation and its member companies shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.


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关于NI产品和技术的专利权,请查看软件中的帮助»专利信息、光盘中的patents.txt文件或上的National Instruments Patent Notice
