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Showing 1 - 10 of 42 results

I built an installer for my application based on theNI Streaming 5840 Host by NI - Toolkit for LabVIEW package from VIPM. The installer works fine on my development environment. However when I run the ...

I am using NI PXIe-5668Vector Signal Analyzer or Vector Signal Transceiver (PXIe-5644R; PXIe-5645R, PXIe-5646R, PXIe-5840, PXIe-5841) to perform EVM and ACLR measurements using 5G NR and LTE profiles. ...

I am using NI VST 5840 in the 'Script' mode with NI RFSG drivers. I download two waveforms to the device with 'Streaming' disabled and control the generation using software triggers. Can I update the waveform ...

When I tried to configure the downconverter frequency offset property for I/Q acquisition, it showed the error: Error -1074118301 occurred at niRFSA Read IQ (Complex WDT 1Rec 1Chan).vi Possible reason(s): ...

I have installed RFmx on my computer andI want to simulate a PXIe chassis with a VST in NI MAX. Can I simulate a VST device in NI MAX?

I'm trying to open an RFSA or RFmx session with my NI vector signal analyzer (or vector signal transceiver), but I receive the error -1074118630 or error -1074097950when I open it using either LabVIEW ...

I am using the Vector Signal Transceiver (VST) PXIe-5840, and during my use, I encountered an FPGA temperature issue. See figure below:

This article provides guidance on how often NI devices need to be calibrated and how to find the specific calibration interval for individual Multifunction I/O DAQ, Digital Instruments, High-Speed Digital ...

I was trying to use C# example (User>>Public>>Public Documents>>National Instruments>>NI-RFSG>>Example>>VS2012>>Triggers>>ScriptTrigger-SoftwareSource). It worked under another PC, but itdoesn't work now, ...

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